My little buddy Peter, but everyone calls him Pengy. He's featured a lot on my Facebook wall (timeline, whatever Zuckerberg).
Pumpkin carving emoticons last Halloween:
I gave him a home theatre system for Christmas:
I built him a street bike:
Then I started taking pics of stuff that were really small and captioning them "Pengy [something]". Pengy Tabasco:
Pengy Burger (and onion rings):
The cook that made me that^ was my Valentine this year. I made her a Pengy Bouquet:
She got me friends for Pengy (and candy):
The one on the left is Melony, and is now his girlfriend. They hang out a lot:
Which brings me to my avatar:
He also makes cameo appearances in my youtube videos, like this one (a stop-motion vizualization to Jay-Z):