Okay I have been visiting this site for a while now and have read and experienced a zillion BHG's. Are there any True Engineers out there that can shed some light on exactly why this happens to this particular I6 engine? I see folk’s solution, complaints, raves, etc. I don’t think I have seen one post regarding the actual cause of this problem. I don’t mean, ya cause it's just the way it is. I and I am sure many others would like to get a really good engineering analysis of this issue. Who knows maybe some engineer having nothing to do with selling parts can solve the issue from a true engineering standpoint. I have wondered if the material the block is made from is incompatible with the material the head is made from in a heat transfer sort of sense. In other words is it possible the two metals heat transfer rates differ so widely that there is no way for both of the them to expand and contract at similar rates causing the gasket to shift between them until it leaks. Would true proper warm up before and after driving help this? Let's hear from some wizards and not just guesser's or sellers of the latest trend in head gaskets, because they ALL seem to have issues.