Holy crap!
I go away for one year and this is what happens?!?!?!?
Lets get all this ironed out quickly.
1. Ethanol will have less energy per same unit of volume measurement than gasoline. This is very true! Unfortunatly a person does not tune to gallon, liter etc. They tune to lambda (not AFR)! which bring up point numero 2!
2. At the Same lambda, Ethanol has MORE energy than the equivalent lambda of gasoline/diesel as it requires more fuel to achieve the same lambda (the answer is right in the AFR equation. Gasoline requires 14.6/1, Ethanol requires 9.6/1 (for those math challenged, that is an increase of 35%) , methanol in the 4's/1. It is a very simple chemistry equation balancing really. More fuel and same O2 content = more heat (ie power).
3. since the same lambda (1) requires more fuel, the MPG for ethanol will be lower when compared to gasoline or diesel. This is not up for debate. lol
4. Cars since about, ooohh early 90's had lines that can handle Ethanol due to the E10% mandate. only thing needs to get adjustment is for the volume needed for the power being produced.
any questions? You know me, I expect facts, MATH (both physics and in this case, Chemistry), not feelings, politics, beliefs. Leave that elsewhere.