What did you guys replace when getting code 14?


New Member
Jan 25, 2007
Kirkland, Wa
I looked at the ground wires on the coil pack... They look fine. I tested my igniter's... their fine. I tested my E.C.U and its working properly. I'm getting stumped. It just started acting up. First it would take a few seconds to start, now it wont start at all. When it was running it wasn't miss firing... Just had a small lag sometimes when I would hit the gas, which is caused by a ignition problem. So my E.C.U isn't getting the signal so... Have any of you had these symptoms, or a code 14... What did you replace?


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
This might help, it might not. I don't have time right now to see if this could help answer your question, or solve your problem, but I remember when I talked to J.J. about this stuff....



One last detail: Wire # 4. The fourth wire between the igniter and ECU is called IGf (IGnition fail). Unlike the other signals, which are sent from the ECU to the igniter, IGf is sent from the igniter back to the ECU. When a coil pack is fired the igniter senses the firing and generates an IGf. It's a confirmation spark occurred. The ECU needs to know a coil pack fired when it was told to because if it didn't bad things could happen. No spark means unburned fuel would be sent to the catalytic converter for example. So the ECU expects to see an IGf for every IGt it sends. If IGt and IGf don't "add up" for more than a few seconds fuel injection is halted and code 14 is stored in diagnostic memory. You read that right...the engine will stop.