Hopefully stopped an oil leak that has been pestering me for some time. The drain tube from my turbo wasn't sealed very well at the block. Pulled it, cleaned it, roughed up the "nipple", and re-assembled tightening the piss outta the clamp. The clamp wasn't on very tight and I think that WAS the problem. Shot the whole side of the block down with brake cleaner...we'll see how ti does the next couple of days. Also, replaced a POS electric Pro Sport EVO oil press gauge with a I-Equius mechanical one...I now have accurate oil pressure. BTW, Pro Sport cust service totally sucks. I'm going to send them a pic of the mechanical gauge and tell them how I fixed their POS electric one by replacing it with a different brand mechanical. Lastly -- I wrapped my cold side IC piping with titanium header wrap. When I ran my IC piping, it had to all be custom fit and the best way I could do my upper cold side pipe routed it right over my header between the turbo and valve cover. It's now wrapped to keep the IAT temps much lower.
Pic BEFORE I wrapped it today:
Pic BEFORE I wrapped it today: