Got my car back from the shop, The lazy L was actually quite old and when i pulled it it broke, they fixed that, and they found my knock sensor was bad replaced it, finally got the check engine light out now. Going to have to replece the middle piece soon since it's getting there. About $330 for all of that, was quite happy.
Then they finally explained how bad my rear bearings are, they need to be replaced, about $1300. Ouch. That will be later this year, as long as i don't drive long distances or go to a track or drift, it should be safe for awhile on commuting from home to town. Then sometime i need my shocks or struts replaced, they are stock and i feel they have nearly died. The car is very very bouncy going down the highway, where other cars similar to my size arent having a bouncy ride. All in bringing a old car back to life i guess