What are your pet peeves?



When people piss on the toilet seat, even when i dont have to take a shit, it bothers me. but not in public bathrooms, because i expect it kind of...


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
I'm a little OCD, so many things bug me for no apparent reason, or at least that I can understand. I find that frustrating and annoying at times.

A big one of mine is when people refuse to accept a correct answer, even after you have provided them with all the information they need to make an intelligent decision, simply because they are stubborn, thick headed or closed minded.

Another one is when people are at the head of a long line of cars on a road with one lane, then when the road opens up to two lanes they stay in the left lane. Irritates the hell out of me.

One of my stranger pet peeves is when people use numbers (i.e. 1,2,3) instead of one, two , three in situations other than when describing dollar amounts. This is a really weird one I know.

cry4me_sky said:
this huge lady who comes into poochies orders two chili dogs with cheese and chips and potato salad and an EXTRA LARGE diet pepsi.

im like wtf lady why not go all out and get the regular for the few extra calories?

its not like you'll lose your girlish figure.

This one used to drive me nuts too, but now I can't really say anything because I've gotten used to the taste of diet coke, regular coke is just tastes to thick and syrupy. Now when I order a soda it's usually of the diet variety.


Noob..but not incompetent
Feb 23, 2007
MkIIIentropy said:
Moving to a country permanently, yet making no effort at all to learn the spoken language there.

I had an argument with my social justice teacher in the middle of class about this. I said that people who come from other countries should learn the language of the country that they are going to live in. Then she told me that that is how other countries feel about Americans. I said, "I would feel the same way, but i took 2 years of Italian before i went to Italy", so I shut her up on that point. Then she went on to tell me that English is not the national language of the US and that there was no national language. I said to her "What language is our Constitution written in? What about our laws, or street signs? English!" Once i said that, she told me that my opinion was wrong and would not acknowledge me for the rest of the year. LOL. Dumb Bitch...

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
eman2289 said:
I had an argument with my social justice teacher in the middle of class about this. I said that people who come from other countries should learn the language of the country that they are going to live in. Then she told me that that is how other countries feel about Americans. I said, "I would feel the same way, but i took 2 years of Italian before i went to Italy", so I shut her up on that point. Then she went on to tell me that English is not the national language of the US and that there was no national language. I said to her "What language is our Constitution written in? What about our laws, or street signs? English!" Once i said that, she told me that my opinion was wrong and would not acknowledge me for the rest of the year. LOL. Dumb Bitch...

This reminds me: when someone can't admit they're wrong, even though they've clearly been beaten in a debate/arguement...That and when you're more mature than the person "teaching" you.

Dirgle said:
One of my stranger pet peeves is when people use numbers (i.e. 1,2,3) instead of one, two , three in situations other than when describing dollar amounts. This is a really weird one I know.Now when I order a soda it's usually of the diet variety.
You like diet? Eww, that makes me think of this 1 tym3 wh3n th1s l4dy c4m3 up t0 m3 4nd s41d....:naughty:
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Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
#1 People who smack their lips like a fucking @#R$#dam horse when eating.
#1.5 People who either A.) Ask you WTF is going to happen next when YOU and THEM are seing the movie for the first time B.) People who talk to you about little FUCKING NOTHINGS when you are trying to do something other than focus your attention on them.
#0 Anti-gun nuts. I dare you to come to my place.
#2 Huge monsters that walk into a restraunt/hog trough/fast food joint and eat or order EVERY THING UNDER THE SUN... and they wash it all down with a diet coke. WTF people. The DIET FUCKING COKE aint' gonna save your lard ass now.


Formerly dcrusupra
Jan 5, 2006
Cullowhee, NC
People who can't follow simple instructions. And my biggest pet peeve is liars.

A few others that should be mentioned. White people acting black, people acting like they are better than you, hypocrits, people that drive with their high beams on, people that are oblivious on the road, women in SUVs on the cell phone, and last but not least, women with a package bigger than mine :biglaugh:

mk3 for life!

Project Soupracharged
My biggest pet peeve would have to be people, usually older, that are extremely "hard headed" and stubborn. They are unwilling to learn new things and do not accept changes at all. You tell them one way to do something that you KNOW is faster, easier, and time efficient, yet they refuse to do it that way and do it their own way. Or, you attempt to intelligently debate with them and no matter how many FACTS you present they still want to deny that you are right, or even just prove a good point.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
MDCmotorsports said:
#2 Huge monsters that walk into a restraunt/hog trough/fast food joint and eat or order EVERY THING UNDER THE SUN... and they wash it all down with a diet coke. WTF people. The DIET FUCKING COKE aint' gonna save your lard ass now.
They have diabetes, so they gotta watch their sugars! Diet Coke is the cure for diabetes, didn't you know?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
drunk_medic said:
They have diabetes, so they gotta watch their sugars! Diet Coke is the cure for diabetes, didn't you know?

Don't joke about that - my wife is diabetic. She also drinks diet coke (tho I'm trying to get her to drink water instead)

I've actually started drinking diet drinks, and have come to prefer them. Except for Mt Dew - but I drink them, so that it's easier on her to not drink the highly sugared standard soda.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
willfish said:
women that dont know how to suck a good cock ....:naughty:

Maybe you haven't provided one yet. :sarcasm:
Kidding...I know what you mean. I hate it when they don't use their hands.
Damn it woman, work them together!


been here since 2003
Apr 23, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dunckel said:
Maybe you haven't provided one yet. :sarcasm:
Kidding...I know what you mean. I hate it when they don't use their hands.
Damn it woman, work them together!


yea man, I guess sometimes i've only provided some bad cock to them...

sometimes its better being bad ...:naughty:
