cuel said:Stupidity. Not the temporary kind; even I fall prey to that sometimes. The permanent, "I'm to lazy to educate myself" kind.
Illiteracy. I understand that a certain few have an actual problem. It's the rest of those run on sentence writing, misspelling, no punctuation using people, who should be able to write fluently, and have no excuse not to, that really bug the crap outta me.![]()
i hate when people misspell there their and theyre.......and when people say to instead of too.cuel said:Stupidity. Not the temporary kind; even I fall prey to that sometimes. The permanent, "I'm to lazy to educate myself" kind.
Illiteracy. I understand that a certain few have an actual problem. It's the rest of those run on sentence writing, misspelling, no punctuation using people, who should be able to write fluently, and have no excuse not to, that really bug the crap outta me.![]()