lagged;1265888 said:
i see what you are trying to imply but ive stated time and time again what i believe and that i will fight for that belief.
just because i dont believe the the same thing you do and wont fight for YOUR beliefs dosnt mean im a coward. it means you have a problem with people not seeing eye to eye with you.
ill say it one last time because reading comprehension seems to be a problem around here, i dont believe i owe anyone anything. my family comes before everything else. if you have a problem with that, if you think that is pathetic, then i honestly feel sorry for you.
Since you seem bound and determined to continue with this, here's my final statement on it.
It has nothing to do with the fact you disagree with me. There are quite a lot of people who disagree with me that I respect.
I however don't respect you, and since you can't leave this alone, I'll tell you why.
In general, the only time you tend to get fired up about anything is when someone says anything even vaguely anti-Hispanic. It really doesn't seem to matter what the substance behind negativity is. The overall comedy seems to be that in laggeds eyes no Hispanic or illegal alien of Hispanic descent can do any wrong whatsoever.
It's almost a foregone conclusion that you're going to comically, and psychotically defend them. Most of the time it IS funny and I'm not the only one who has noticed it.
Sometimes, I'll get a PM with a link to a thread with the line "Queue lagged in 3.. 2.. 1.. " and 99% of the time you'll show up being shrill and psychotic because someone said something bad about someone of Hispanic decent, or more likely someone said something negative about illegal aliens.
You're the proverbial "single issue voter" - you don't give a fuck about this country, or the people who live in it, unless they support your particular ethnic quirk.
That seems to be the only thing you care about, that and preserving your own cowardly ass. You've clearly stated that when it comes down to brass tacks, you won't fight for this country. You're involvement extends to letting people help you run away, by joining your caravan of cowards.
I don't know you from a hole in the wall. Perhaps in the RealWorld (tm) you're something else. But if the man you present here is who you truly are, I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire.
Once again, it's my opinion. But it's not because you disagree with me, it's because I find you morally and ethically bankrupt.
Happy now? Can we now get back on topic?