What are YOU doing to defend the Constitution?

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1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
look it seems like you guys think i hate the US and dont appreciate what i have here, i do. this all started from a discussion about what you would do if there was some type of domestic disaster where our civil liberties were entirely ripped from us. the question that was basically posited was: would you fight? or would you do something else?

my answer was basically, i would fight tooth and nail to GTFO. nothing more nothing less.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
lagged;1261694 said:
why? just because i dont want to tolerate being constantly lied to? just because this country is great dosnt mean it shoudnt be BETTER! i am fully aware of the travesties that occur every day in other countries.[

but keep in mind america has supported many regimes over its history that have committed atrocities and crimes against humanity!

YOU made the following unequivocal statement:

lagged;1261585 said:
its not my fault i was born into arguably the most corrupt country in the world.

I replied to it, citing examples of countries with dictators and governments that are, objectively, far more corrupt and dangerous.

Since it appears that your perspective is that this country is the MOST corrupt (your words, not mine), I think it's fucked up.

lagged;1261694 said:
i am not saying america isnt great, i am saying that our politicians STEAL OUR MONEY, LIE TO US, SUPPORT CRIMINAL EVIL GOVERNMENTS ABROAD and a LAUNDRY LIST of other problems!

So is it great, or is it the most corrupt? Your statements don't add up. Make a decision.

lagged;1261694 said:
and SC what the fuck is up with you? you go from saying lets not take it to a personal level then you go and say i have a fucked up perspective? what the fuck is that about?

See above - your points don't make sense; do you expect me to ignore them?

lagged;1261694 said:
i havent ONCE resorted to personal attacks but doward can go ahead and call me a parasite and a disgrace to america and you can say i have a fucked up perspective. why dont you people try a little harder to keep the level of hypocrisy down.

Try to make sense. That would be a start. If you beleive this is the most corrupt nation on the planet, in light of the examples I provided, then your perspective is fucked up. Sorry. Find someone who disagrees with that evaluation of your statements.

lagged;1261694 said:
you people are men and you should be able to hold a conversation without resorting to personal attacks. i thought i was speaking mature educated individuals!

And you should be able to realize that if your statements are completely illogical, contradictory and nonsensical, people are going to call you on them. I didn't say you were fucked up, I said your perspective was fucked up. I will stand by that statement as long as your stated position is that the US is the most corrupt. It's clearly not.

rakkasan;1261753 said:
LOL, get accustomed to it. It his board, his rules.

Negative Ghostrider... I'm subject to the same rules the rest of you are. I don't consider what I said a personal attack. If another mod deems it so, I'll apologize, however the facts above speak for themselves. Socialists & communists have killed 1.7 Billion of their own people.:


and lagged says we are the most corrupt. I don't think calling that perspective "fucked up" is a personal attack, it's a matter of fact...

lagged;1261797 said:
look it seems like you guys think i hate the US and dont appreciate what i have here, i do.

Calling it the most corrupt nation on earth is an odd way of trying to let us know that you do...


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
ok let me try one more time.

i believe that:

in america you have wonderful opportunities, better than those in most other parts of the world.

i believe that you are provided with freedoms rivaled by almost every other nation in the world.

i ALSO believe that:

our politicians are some of the MOST CORRUPT that:

misuse our tax money
take bribes from lobbiests
do not support the interest of the general public DUE TO THIS CORRUPTION

and honestly it sickens me to be apart of that system! this is why i want to get what i can and go.

sorry if you guys cant agree with that but i see no conflicting points of view there.

just because this country is great dosnt mean there are not TERRIBLE things that are also wrong with it.

everything is not so black and white! i thought you knew that SC!

Supracentral;1261803 said:
Socialists & communists have killed 1.7 Billion of their own people.:


and you can drop that shit all you want i am no socialist or communist. that little statistic is neither here nor there.

my true belief is that all forms of government are inherently evil. i have no solution, but that is what i believe.

in fact, as i have made clear, i believe that the only way to exist without suffering the evils of government is to not contribute or participate in it, only take what you need from it.

that might be parasitic, but im ok with that. i have my morals and beliefs intact.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
No, that I actually agree with lagged. However, your initial approach was effectively:

"This country is the worst and I'm leaving"

That's the impression you gave, even if it was not your intent.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
Damn! I just made fresh popcorn.:3d_frown:

I have only to experience one other country. I also know that my perspective is not very worldwide.

I'm not much on bashing, SC does make a good point that we are far worse of a choice as far as places to live.

I believe the more people that get involved in getting the govt. back to where it's supposed to be. The system is there, we just need to get rid of the bent people abusing it.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral;1261815 said:
No, that I actually agree with lagged. However, your initial approach was effectively:

"This country is the worst and I'm leaving"

That's the impression you gave, even if it was not your intent.

Communicating complex ideas has never been easy for anyone.


Aug 1, 2007
As I stated before a politicians will only do what will improve his or her chance of re-election and suit their own needs. Writing them will just get you form letters thanking you for your concern. The only way to get their attention is to form a group with enough members and give yourself an official sounding name for the group. Make them think that you represent a large voter coalition. Make them think that your group is important enough and large enough that it could influence the election by the way the coalition votes. Who knows you might get federal funding.

Each election we are given choices of who to vote for. More or less it's like voting for the lesser evil at times. Nobody thinks of the other alternative. Write in "None of the above". You may say I wasted my vote but I don't. If enough people get fed up and vote for None of the above it will send a clear message that the people are tired of politics as usual. I would hate to see that chaos as both parties scramble to get new candidates. Wishful thinking because most Americans would for along the party lines no matter how incompetent the candidates are.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
lagged;1261771 said:
my principles say i worry about my self and what i am doing. not what others are doing. as long as no one bothers me i dont really care.

why you guys have a problem with that is beyond me.

So when they round up certian people in your community because of some bullshit, you'll pull the whole "it's not me, I don't have to worry."

When they take your neighbor away, you're not being bothered, so you won't say anything?

Sounding familiar to you yet? Know your history?


Supramania Contributor
Nov 19, 2006
Nor Cal
its official it disgust me completely on what this nation has become.. this "justice" system is not flawed. it just does not work. at least to a "true" American it doesn't work. the government has dammed us all.

I wont go into detail and I wont answer to nothing else at this time. but take my words when I say I've seen first hand that our future as the nation for what it once stood for is bleak if not already gone.


Aug 1, 2007
We bitch and moan and fight amongst ourselves but let someone attack this country. Watch the differences that we have disappear. People say they are disgusted with our government and want to change it. But would fight tooth and nail and to the last person to stop a foreign power from forcing their government upon us. Strange lot we Americans.

If states do secede what would the people call themselves because "Americans" is already taken.

"I am an American." One small sentence that brings such different emotions to us all.

Eh, just some fleeting thoughts.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Poodles;1265145 said:
So when they round up certian people in your community because of some bullshit, you'll pull the whole "it's not me, I don't have to worry."

When they take your neighbor away, you're not being bothered, so you won't say anything?

Sounding familiar to you yet? Know your history?

i said id fight tooth and nail to get out, the more people fighting with me to get out the better.

so, of course my neighbor and other like minded people can join my escape caravan! :)

maybe i didnt articulate my self effectively. what i said i would NOT do, is join a militia and hold some type of a line. a civil war is basically what we were talking about. i would LEAVE the country if something like that happened. i never said i wouldnt help other people do the same.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral;1265855 said:

oh? and tell me, when similar events have occurred in humanities history, what is the result?

look at the TRUE motivation behind major wars that have been fought, and youll see it involves the PAWNS who think they are fighting for something just, and the powerful who are manipulating them behind the curtain.

its the ones who have gotten a hold of the MAJORITY of wealth in the world, the FEW who have cheated EVERYONE ELSE (the bank bailout is a great recent example) playing CHESS. thats all it is to them. a game. and no, i wont take part it in.

lets drop the macho act and get real for a second, mike, are you parents still alive? what about theresa's? you think you could protect them and keep them safe if a civil war broke out and there is fighting in your neighborhood? what about DT her self? not to discredit her abilities but as a man isnt it your natural instinct to try to protect her?

i would not take part in something like that and leave my aging parents to fend for them selves when i know for a fact i have a place and people waiting for me that is thousands of miles away.

i dont know what is pathetic about that. maybe you can educate me further.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I believe that anyone who will sit back and enjoy the fruits of this nation without being willing to fight for it is the worst sort of parasite. I find you to be a spineless self serving worm.

It's not a statement of fact, it's a simple opinion. I'm not saying you're factually incorrect. I'm saying you're simply bankrupt of anything that I could possibly respect.

I'm of the belief that a man who won't fight for what he believes in is not a man at all, but a simple coward.

I really don't have anything else to say to you on the matter.

If you're so diametrically opposed to the way I think, my opinion shouldn't mean a damn to you anyway.

Let's get back on topic, as this conversation won't lead anywhere but downhill.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
I'm of the belief that a man who won't fight for what he believes in is not a man at all, but a simple coward.

i see what you are trying to imply but ive stated time and time again what i believe and that i will fight for that belief.

just because i dont believe the the same thing you do and wont fight for YOUR beliefs dosnt mean im a coward. it means you have a problem with people not seeing eye to eye with you.

ill say it one last time because reading comprehension seems to be a problem around here, i dont believe i owe anyone anything. my family comes before everything else. if you have a problem with that, if you think that is pathetic, then i honestly feel sorry for you.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
lagged;1265888 said:
i see what you are trying to imply but ive stated time and time again what i believe and that i will fight for that belief.

just because i dont believe the the same thing you do and wont fight for YOUR beliefs dosnt mean im a coward. it means you have a problem with people not seeing eye to eye with you.

ill say it one last time because reading comprehension seems to be a problem around here, i dont believe i owe anyone anything. my family comes before everything else. if you have a problem with that, if you think that is pathetic, then i honestly feel sorry for you.

Since you seem bound and determined to continue with this, here's my final statement on it.

It has nothing to do with the fact you disagree with me. There are quite a lot of people who disagree with me that I respect.

I however don't respect you, and since you can't leave this alone, I'll tell you why.

In general, the only time you tend to get fired up about anything is when someone says anything even vaguely anti-Hispanic. It really doesn't seem to matter what the substance behind negativity is. The overall comedy seems to be that in laggeds eyes no Hispanic or illegal alien of Hispanic descent can do any wrong whatsoever.

It's almost a foregone conclusion that you're going to comically, and psychotically defend them. Most of the time it IS funny and I'm not the only one who has noticed it.

Sometimes, I'll get a PM with a link to a thread with the line "Queue lagged in 3.. 2.. 1.. " and 99% of the time you'll show up being shrill and psychotic because someone said something bad about someone of Hispanic decent, or more likely someone said something negative about illegal aliens.

You're the proverbial "single issue voter" - you don't give a fuck about this country, or the people who live in it, unless they support your particular ethnic quirk.

That seems to be the only thing you care about, that and preserving your own cowardly ass. You've clearly stated that when it comes down to brass tacks, you won't fight for this country. You're involvement extends to letting people help you run away, by joining your caravan of cowards.

I don't know you from a hole in the wall. Perhaps in the RealWorld (tm) you're something else. But if the man you present here is who you truly are, I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire.

Once again, it's my opinion. But it's not because you disagree with me, it's because I find you morally and ethically bankrupt.

Happy now? Can we now get back on topic?


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
you find me morally and ethically bankrupt...INTERESTING and ironic.

instead of trying to have a CONVERSATION and an exchange of ideas and opinions while carrying on in a respectful manner you resort to name calling and what not.

that is a reflection on YOUR character that is very revealing. one measure of a MAN is his ability to disagree with yet still respect another man.

up until now, i have done my best not to stoop down to name calling and the like.

so with that said, since this is your forum and all.. you can just shove it up your fat fucking ass.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I asked you to leave this alone, you wouldn't.

I don't respect you. At all. You haven't earned it from me.

As for your obscenities, you get a free pass this time, because quite honestly nothing on this planet could matter to me less than your opinion of me.

However, do it again, and you can take a week off. Your childish outbursts aren't going to fly.

For the last time, get back on topic.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral;1265912 said:
I asked you to leave this alone, you wouldn't.

I don't respect you. At all. You haven't earned it from me.

As for your obscenities, you get a free pass this time, because quite honestly nothing on this planet could matter to me less than your opinion of me.

However, do it again, and you can take a week off. Your childish outbursts aren't going to fly.

For the last time, get back on topic.

a week? how about a lifetime break. you think i need access to what has turned in to your personal soap box with your mindless nutswingers that agree with whatever you say?

fuck you and this forum. i dont need your free pass, you can shove that up theresa's ass.
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