[XC] Shaz;1417405 said:
Is there ANY way to fix the dead engines?
No, maybe, yes to some extent, depending on the engine. Every component that depended on oil would need replaced, as that the wearing surfaces would be gouged beyond recognition. Every bearing would be shot, the cylinder walls gouged to hell, and the pistons and rings would, of course, be screwed as well. I think at best, the block would be the only thing salvagable as a compontent of the rotating assembly... everything else would be too expensive to fix compared to sourcing a new one.
The solution they put in there acts like sandpaper on the bearings, so every wearing surface wears at an exponential rate the longer the engine runs. Then after the engine siezes, the liquid glass hardens like glue, permafucking everything that it didn't already fuck. I think with alot of effort you could salvage a block, but everything that is aluminum would be fully annealed, because the engine usually overheats because of the intense friction from the silicate stuff.
There's a video of a FJ60 landcruiser taking over 12 minutes (after warm up) to die, and it still turned over after 12 minutes. Most average cars will be lucky to make 3 minutes.