I went to the track earlier today for my first time ever at a local "Sport Compact" event. Needless to say, I ran some really stupidly terrible times, so I come to you, Supramania, with questions.
To start, the car. My car is an '88 Turbo/Hardtop/Auto, it's almost completely stock, with the exception of an Intake and a full 3" turbo-back exhaust. Other modifications that might matter are a Mishimoto Radiator and a decently large transmission cooler. The car is full weight, with a spare tire, A/C, Jack, and factory sawblades, with some "eh" tires.
1st Pass: My very first drag race ever. I got confused by the lights on the tree, realized the yellows were coming down, frantically put the car into drive, and floored the gas. It was a lot of fun, and I ran a shit time:
2.798 60'
16.072 @ 89.26 mph
2nd Pass: Lined up against a Civic Hatch that ran an 11.8. I tried to brake-boost at the tree and ended up just spinning the tires, derp. Still did better, but still badly. The car felt flat-footed through the whole race. I did manage a 0.054 R/T though.
2.506 60'
15.865 @ 88.69 mph
3rd Pass: I had noticed the car seemed to be shifting really early (in my mind) the previous two races, so I tried turning the ECT into "normal" just for shits and giggles. I raced my friend's 370Z.
2.529 60'
16.067 @ 87.10
I went into my first time racing *knowing* that I would be the weakest link of the whole system, and that the biggest improvement to be had was more experience for myself. I really need to work on my launches, and my 60' times are awful.
BUT, through all three races, I felt as though the transmission was shifting far too early, and the next gear felt a little flat on power. The shifts seemed to be happening at the 5,250-5,500 range. In the end, I just feel like I was expecting more from the car despite my terrible 60' times.
The next drag racing event is August 8th, and I'm excited to tackle it with a little more know-how and hopefully get my times down. Thanks for any feedback!
edit: I had a lot of trouble building boost at the line without spinning my tires (at a standstill). I feel like my lack of grip had a lot to do with it, but what sort of strategies should I employ to actually get some boost off the line? The time restraints at the tree had my noobish self scrambling, and it shows in my times.
edit edit: Also worrying to me is the fact that my 60' improved .3 seconds from the 1st to 3rd pass, but my time was *exactly* the same.
To start, the car. My car is an '88 Turbo/Hardtop/Auto, it's almost completely stock, with the exception of an Intake and a full 3" turbo-back exhaust. Other modifications that might matter are a Mishimoto Radiator and a decently large transmission cooler. The car is full weight, with a spare tire, A/C, Jack, and factory sawblades, with some "eh" tires.
1st Pass: My very first drag race ever. I got confused by the lights on the tree, realized the yellows were coming down, frantically put the car into drive, and floored the gas. It was a lot of fun, and I ran a shit time:
2.798 60'
16.072 @ 89.26 mph
2nd Pass: Lined up against a Civic Hatch that ran an 11.8. I tried to brake-boost at the tree and ended up just spinning the tires, derp. Still did better, but still badly. The car felt flat-footed through the whole race. I did manage a 0.054 R/T though.
2.506 60'
15.865 @ 88.69 mph
3rd Pass: I had noticed the car seemed to be shifting really early (in my mind) the previous two races, so I tried turning the ECT into "normal" just for shits and giggles. I raced my friend's 370Z.
2.529 60'
16.067 @ 87.10
I went into my first time racing *knowing* that I would be the weakest link of the whole system, and that the biggest improvement to be had was more experience for myself. I really need to work on my launches, and my 60' times are awful.
BUT, through all three races, I felt as though the transmission was shifting far too early, and the next gear felt a little flat on power. The shifts seemed to be happening at the 5,250-5,500 range. In the end, I just feel like I was expecting more from the car despite my terrible 60' times.
The next drag racing event is August 8th, and I'm excited to tackle it with a little more know-how and hopefully get my times down. Thanks for any feedback!
edit: I had a lot of trouble building boost at the line without spinning my tires (at a standstill). I feel like my lack of grip had a lot to do with it, but what sort of strategies should I employ to actually get some boost off the line? The time restraints at the tree had my noobish self scrambling, and it shows in my times.
edit edit: Also worrying to me is the fact that my 60' improved .3 seconds from the 1st to 3rd pass, but my time was *exactly* the same.