I all of a sudden have a code 24 and 35 and the car will miss very badly after hot starts. I have to drive for a good 20-30 minutes it seams like and then shut the car off and when I start it again it runs like shit and misses. Litteraly sounds like a subie and will run like this from there on out. If I let it cool down for quite a while (>3 or 4 hours) it will start back up fine and be normal. The other strange thing is it doesnt seem to let me clear these codes. I pulled the efi fuse for over a minute twice and and both times there they were before even turning the car over. I have tried changing the ait sensor, putting a 2.2k resistor between THA and E2 on the AFM plug (already have one wired in at ecu plugs) and even straight jumping them and it doesnt change anything. I dont know if the code 24 is even my problem, sounds like others have had it without issues other than an annoying code. Next I was going to check the resistor I wired in between THA and E2 right at the ecu plugs, maybe the resistor is overheating and giving screwy values??? Im really getting stumped, I have messed with several other sensors and wires and cant figure anything out. All I can figure is something is getting heat soaked and throwing bad values. I also check spark while it is doing this and it was at all plugs and good. Timing was jumping around a few degrees though?