Well crap!!


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Well I picked up my car yesterday after having a used engine put into it and well, that engine has a very loud tapping to it and blows some white smoke when you let off the gas. On the upside though, there is no check engine light and the the transmission is adjusted right and will now shift correctly. I took the car to a mechanic who is very familiar with 7m's and he said it was not valves but something deeper in the engine. His guess was wrist pins. It's very disappointing but I shouldn't be surprised with it being a used engine. I will take it back Monday and have them drop another one in it, on them of course. I requested that specific engine because it had a new head on it. I was naive I guess. The other two engines they have look unmolested and original. Better luck next time I hope.:nono:



SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
boostadikt said:
i like how you take it so lightly "i will take it back and they will put a new one it"

...and that is just what I did today. They have two more donors sitting out there with orignal, unmolested 7mge's in them. It will be another two weeks I'm sure but crossing my fingers this one will be better. They were not very happy about having to replace it so I think they will make sure the next engine is ok before they let me have it.:x:
Oh they said they will ship parts so if anyone is interested I will give you their toll free number. The original donor has a very nice front bumper (89 model) and tail lights. The body is very straight. I posted a pic of it in another posting.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
The word "Supra" attacts the wrong type of owner most of the time. So that makes this statement correct:

gixxer750 said:
Assume all used 7m's have rod knock or a blown head gasket. You will be right more times than wrong.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
The type that would say "It overheated on me the other day. Buts its japaneese it will go ferever har har har" or "Wow a supra. Just like the one from the movie"


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
This is how most people manage the bragging rights to say stuff along the lines of: "This car's been through 4 motors...."

Jeez, there's bound to be something wrong with everyone of the blocks they've got in the shop. Find the most mechanically sound one and actually FIX the problems... it'll be one less thing you're going to have to worry about going out/failing in a month or six. You'll spend alot less time than you will swapping in engines left and right just hoping to find the ONE which is still in as good of shape as it came off the line.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Dachande said:
That sucks man. I guess you get what you pay for coming from a place that looks like the texas chainsaw massacre vehicle dump.

Lol, you're exactly right. There are a few "Leatherfaces" running around there too. Here's my plan in case anybody cares. My original engine, I believe, would have not been worth trying to rebuild since it knocked, very bad I might add, for a long time prior to me buying the car. So what I want to get is a good used engine that can be rebuilt at a later date when I have a little more money and a place to do it at. I'm currently in the process of having a house built and living with the mother-in-law.:barf: So for just a little more than the price of a JDM engine and shipping, I'm getting a used engine plus having it installed. The next engine is coming from a nice 88 model that took a good hit in the left front side. The engine however did not take any impact. So with any luck it will run good long enough to save up some $$$ for an overhaul.