WE can fight back on gas prices (read n pass on)


Boostin USA
Apr 9, 2007
Harford County, Maryland
I have been learned on how gas prices werks now, konseder me enlitened.

Who else thinks the tax "vacation" proposal on gas is just as smart as the “don’t buy gas” emails..... I'm with what Obama has stated "we need a permanent solution", not a temporary Band-Aid. In fact, you know what? Fuck gasoline, me and Doc Brown are going to start working on our nuclear powered automotive power plant device which "may" double as a time machine.

First things first, new thread - WTB: slightly used Plutonium and/or De Lorean

*Edit* And yes I am perfectly comfortable with permanent glow in the dark genitalia, no lights needed to find where I am going now!


Need Rust Repair
Aug 24, 2005
Bryan, OH /Lima, OH
I hate those damn forward emails. One simple concept to grasp that makes this totally not work.....

You dont buy gas from one company? Guess what they sell it to the next highest bidder who you just bought it from and still profit.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
white2j89;1007569 said:
If we use less gas (park the supras lol yea right) there goin 2 hav to lower the price bc of people use less gass.There not goin to spend money that they don't hav,where do they get the money to fund there projects US.For exa,Rosa Parks n the bus boycott its the same thing as that but just gas.

What you've somehow failed to notice is the basic rules of communication. The reason that the world Grapefruit identifies the sour, squishy yellow colored fruit is because we've all agreed the sound 'grapefruit', and the letters G-R-A-P-E-F-R-U-I-T arranged in that particular order, mean that.

Enter your illiterate ass. You throw letters together, seemingly at random and expect us to figure it out. You don't give a fuck about spelling, you don't care about grammar. You don't care enough about what you have to say to say it properly. Why the fuck should the rest of us? Why would I take advice from someone who can't even present his ideas clearly? Why would I follow the lead of someone as poorly spoken as you? You barely make sense, and when you do get some sort of a point out, it's poorly thought out, or just plain old stupid.

Too top it off you're posting canned spam from 10 years ago.

Furthermore, it's an idea that's been analyzed to be an ineffective strategy, it targets the wrong group, it's impossible to implement, and if you did manage to get it going, you'd do more damage to yourself than anyone else.

The reason for this is simple, because only marginally illiterate, low skilled hourly wage knuckleheads fall for this crap in the first place. The rest of us understand how the economy, profits, profit margins, publicly held companies and the basics of capitalism work.

But do continue, explain my poor grasp of the situation. This is amusing...


Techno Supra

Hardcore DJ
Eventually technology will lessen our reliance on fossil fuels as our main source of energy and the costs won't seem nearly as bad. The technology is already close if not here. There is a car that runs on diesel and got 114 mpg at an average speed of 144 mph at lemans. There is another car that is all electric that beats lambos, ferraris, vipers, etc in the 1/4 mile.

It's only a matter of time before these technologies are implemented in the real market and no one will mind high fuel prices because we won't be using much. Here are the two examples.




( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
gas is high and its only hurting the economy, you're paying over 3.00 a gallon for something you burn, basically burning money. a lot of people commute to work and to get groceries, everythings going up, the dollar is going down in value and these lower interest rates help nobody in reality since they cause so many other problems. If gas went to 89 cents per gallon the economy would almost recover overnight after the first 3 months, why? well people would again have a disposable income to spend on useless shit within the economy as well as invest int companies. TRUTH: Oil companies make almost 900 percent profit on every gallon of fuel sold.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
^^^^ lmao! :D

Will, what would happen to the price of Koolaid if every person in the modern world started demanding it every day for their transportation needs, given the current supply?


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Wills7MGTE;1008047 said:
TRUTH: Oil companies make almost 900 percent profit on every gallon of fuel sold.

Back this moronic statement up with facts please.

Cite some reliable sources.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
CryoSlash;1007522 said:

I enjoy burning my food on a product that cost more to make and puts out less power than petrol, and significantly decreases the worlds rice,corn, and wheat supplies......


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
I find it hard to support lower gas prices. If $4.00+ a gallon is what it takes to make people realize that they shouldn't be driving 12mpg tanks, then its money well spent in my mind. Higher fuel prices are creating more incentive for developing more sustainable systems such as renewable resources. Of course its putting a lot of people in a pinch, but lowring prices back down is not a solution, its a postponement. Not to mention a disregard for public health, ecosystems, and the livelihood of those who live off the land. I'll keep my DD corolla and deal with the prices, thank you.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
Want to lower fuel prices? Take a look around on the freeway driving home during rush hour and try to count the cars that have more than one person in them. It's hard, because there's almost none, atleast here in calgary.

Want to lower fuel prices? Stop driving the 6000lb SUV's and 10000lb mini-semi pickup trucks with the giant lift kits to work every day. Drive them on the weekend, get a 50mpg econo-box to go to work.

Take the bus, take the train, ride a bike. People complain about high gas prices, but very few people seem to do anything about the amount of fuel they consume, which is umung the major sources of the price hikes.

E85 is an idiotic idea... burning food stocks instead of petroleum? Someone should have invisioned that the price of food will start to follow the price of gas if we start burning it in our cars. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this part, but that seems to be the logical effect...


SM Member
Mar 19, 2008
North NJ
They were selling gas for 76 cents in a certain gas station in philadelphia, in honor of the sixers making the playoffs. It was only for a few hours though, The line was ridiculous.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
darkside88T;1008258 said:
I find it hard to support lower gas prices. If $4.00+ a gallon is what it takes to make people realize that they shouldn't be driving 12mpg tanks, then its money well spent in my mind. Higher fuel prices are creating more incentive for developing more sustainable systems such as renewable resources. Of course its putting a lot of people in a pinch, but lowring prices back down is not a solution, its a postponement. Not to mention a disregard for public health, ecosystems, and the livelihood of those who live off the land. I'll keep my DD corolla and deal with the prices, thank you.

Wait wait wait - remind me again, exactly who the hell you are, that can dictate to others what they may and may not do?

That's awesome. If I chose to drive an H1 Hummer around, that is MY decision. If market prices push gas up to $4/gallon, that is one thing - to say that higher prices are NEEDED TO TEACH SOMEONE ELSE A LESSON is complete fucking bullshit.

For that matter, how does driving a Hummer around show a disregard to 'public health, ecosystems, and the livelihood of those who live off the land'?

The price of oil is high, because of people like you voting 'feel good ecology' into government. Government can't just step in and take control of the oil industry, so what does it do? Tax the living shit out of it.

If I'm running an oil company, do I just pay that tax? Hell no. I'm a businessman. As far as I'm concerned, those EXTRA taxes are simply part of doing business and YOU - the little guy that needs gas - will pay them.

Christ Almighty, the stupidity in this country astounds me (not directed at any single person, just in general)