Hey, this could be the new "cut off your old hole, weld on a washer way to shim the wastegate mod..."
Just kidding!
Another option is to remove your actuator, and replace it...
Short of that you will need three things.
Remove your actuator.
With the hammer, flatten the end of the rod just behind the original hole.
Now drill out a new hole in your now flat space on the rod. (This will shim your wastegate, and does not require a welder..)
Get ready for higher boost pressure however. A few mm here might not throw you into fuel cut territory, but more than that will get you very close, if not over the point where your drawing in too much air.
Another option? Cut off the screwed up end, and thread it. Now use a threaded end/eyelet to attach your rod. Shazam! You just created an adjustable boost level actuator for the stock setup.... (Sorry about the 70's refference to a TV hero..) Oh yeah, your threaded area has to be long enough to accomdate your end, and a lock nut to keep it in place. (Might not be needed as the stock design is pinned in place, and our actuators use a curved rod that does not rotate..)