how much should i drill in the head? Is there any passage for it, or will it serve just as a hole for coolant?
ViR2 said:how much should i drill in the head? Is there any passage for it, or will it serve just as a hole for coolant?
Do you have any evidence for that? For there being more heat?whenmunkysfly said:I was wrong by stating that the #6 cylinder is the one that DOES blow more often. What I meant to say was it is the more likely cylinder to blow because of heat then the others. Boost is another story.
3p141592654 said:On mine cylinder #2 failed with a BHG. I would like to see some data supporting cyl #6 failing more often. All I've seen so far is comments like the one above with no supporting data. The amount of exhaust flow is small in the EGR circuit so I don't see how it has any significant impact on the thermal load of the head.
basically. one of the cams is different (do a quick search, because this is an important skill to knowTEMPEST said:The #2-#3 area is where mine is warped most. Any differences between the nNA and turbo head? I may have a spare.