Water as a fuel??? Watch this....


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
ToyoHabu said:
Always remember there is never any free lunch. The welding device uses electricity to break down water to from hydrogen and oxygen gas. the gasses are recombined by burning them. The amount of energy used to break down the water is greater than is regained in the process of burning it due to the thermodynamic law of entropy (no exception has ever been documented). So the guy was either lieing to the news crew who not having any idea about science believed that the water was the fuel or they misreported what he told them. So to say it susinctly. It is not currently possible to convert water into fuel and use it in a thermal engine and get more energy out than you put in.

It was never assumed that you would gain more energy then spent, otherwise you achieve 100+ percent effiencency(impossible).


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
The water is really not the fuel in this system. A battery or some other source of electricity breaks down the water to form this gas. The gas is then used for cutting metal or could be burned in gas engine. the added complexity and inefficency of the conversion and then burn process would make it unsuited for an automobile. However if you had a source of extra electricity this would be a good way to store the energy that you couldn't use right away. IE if you had a house with PV arrray or a windturbine and you had periods where you where creating more energy than you where using. use the excess to create this gas and store it in tanks for later.