Was it Racism ? Hope this an an isolated thing :(


Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
JustAnotherVictim said:
I doubt she would have said anything if he was speaking French, or German.
She only bothered him because he's of Indian descent. (I know him personally.)

She saw a brown man and instantly thought of an Arab. Did she attack him? No. Should she have bothered him? Not at all. She can say what she wants, but that doesn't mean she should. English is not "THE" best language and she needs to keep her mouth shut and mind her own business.

I grew up in Fiji Islands, and English is the common language there. If you did not do well in English, one would automatically have to repeat the whole school year so that they can pass and advance to the next class.So we took English pretty seriously.
I learnt ands spoke English all my life and am fluent in it. But I speak English where appropriate.
No one should tell me when and what I should speak what language. That is my choice and I am iintelligent enough to make sure I do not speak my language when other people of diifferent cultures are around me and I am addressing them.
If I am in a casual place with friends then I can speak what I want...


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
English is what americans speak.

And why the hell is this not in off topic? Are you implying that NWesterners are all racists? Or do you want us in the NW to console you and apologize for somebody speaking their mind? :dunno:


Apr 5, 2005
Hayward , Ca
kwnate said:
English is what americans speak.

And why the hell is this not in off topic? Are you implying that NWesterners are all racists? Or do you want us in the NW to console you and apologize for somebody speaking their mind? :dunno:

I think you missed the thread's Heading.
No, I did not imply anywhere in my post that all NorthWesterner's are Racist. I don't need anyones sympathy either...Don't need it.

I asked because I plan to be driving my Supra that way again do not wan't to encounter that again...kinda keep away from towns like that.

btw , Americans speak nothing but gibberish...the English language here has become so twisted and over simplified that when I go to a real English speaking country, they hardly can understand my English.....then they go.." aahh you from USa....u speaking slang..wtf..???

I asked here because I have a better understanding of what it is since you most of the people posting here is from that region ... plus keeps people who have no clue talking crap here about something they don't know about..


supra coupe
Jun 7, 2005
troutdale, Oregon
I don't know what everybody else said in this one cuz I didnt read everything, but my oppinion is any other language is fine to be spoken wherever pleased. However I am pissed to the fact that just because all these hispanic people live in america that we have to learn their language and in many cases are required to speak it. It would be nice to have one universal language across the world, cuz I hate when my family comes and starts speaking dutch and I can't understand them. but thats from lack on my part too so whatever.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
It was the great philosopher Rodney King that muttered the unforgetable words..............Can't we all just get along?....................:biglaugh:


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Yellow 13 said:
Im trying to learn Japanese and its way easier than English. Except you have to talk really fast.


Me too. And, it is TIMES easier than English.

Allow me to qualify this by saying I'm white and have lived in the Bay Area all my life, and only know English-and a lil Japanese-, but English really does suck. As a matter of fact, it seems like one of the worst languages ever. 'Here's the rules for grammar, and here are the exceptions.' But there are just as many exceptions as those that follow the rule. :)

I've thought about people speaking other languages in America before, and heres what I feel: As long as you know English enough that you can easily participate in normal English speaking society, its great that you talk in anaother language. As a matter of fact, gorwing up in the Bay, I hear tons of languages every day, and when I go places like the midwest, it gets really boring:). I kinda enjoy it!

Yeah, so that lady was a total moron. Sorry you have to encounter that kinda crap.



7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
i think you should be able to talk in your own language whenever you feel its the time to do so... she was rude.. she could have just kept her opinion to herself but instead would rather offend you

the only time i get really pissed with anyone talking another language is when they are serving food (takeaways, restaurants etc) we like to be asked what we would like etc in proper english etc
they can talk in their language in their own time or to their chef's etc
one of my pet peeves of the language barrier is ppl from other countries that come here, open a food shop of any sort and the only english they actually know is their menu grrrrrr

so cliffnotes:

1. it's your right to speak your language
2. its great to have another language but when you're around english speaking only people it's only polite to speak in english also :)
3. other languages fascinate me too :D

and if anything is taken in offense it's not intended k :)


I have better SA than you
Mar 30, 2005
Near Columbia, the river
For those defending the offensive behavior of the woman: Reverse the roles. How would you feel? Would you drop to your hands and knees, start licking her boots and slavishly apologize for daring to speak a language she doesn't understand in her presence?

I didn't think so.

Of course the reaction was not a good one but I can understand it. I'm a "white" guy and I hear people all the time spouting their ignorant, unfounded, and fear based puke. It's rarely directed at me but it still makes me sick and really pisses me off sometimes.

It's alarming to see this country following the same downward spiraling path that consumed Germany (and many other societies throughout history) and set ideal conditions for the rise of a Fascist state.

This kind of attitude is always around but it is getting so bad that a co-worker said he would kill me if we were in Iraq at the same time because I am strongly against our illegal invasion/occupation/torture/etc. What made that even more shocking is I'm a veteran of OSW, ONE, and OEF.....and this guy is prime enlistment age (22) but won't join, and even said he would dodge a draft....WTF!!??

I'm ranting but this is a very common mentality of people who act this way....


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
I agree that the "lady"'s remark was really uncalled for and very rude. If I had been in your situation, I probably wouldn't even have known what to say.
There are many 2nd generation immigrants over here too, but I'd never strike on the idea of telling them to chatter in German :wtf:

As for the English language, I actually like it quite a lot, having learned it along with French and Latin at school and still learning new bits every day. I find it fascinating how many flavours there are and how it's constantly evolving due to the massive amount of English speakers in the world.
If you want to see an overly complicated language, try German :D
Talk about three genders for nouns, upper and lower case, etc. :nono: