wanting to give up


7m forever!
Jan 9, 2013
bennington vermont
So for those who don't know I'm in the process of rebuilding my engine, just top end and bottom end gaskets. (7m-gte) I haven't been able to drive my car in quite some time. Its winter, and in VT it snows a good amount so my car would have been parkedd anyways. But anyways, for the last few weeks I've been a bit discoraged at the amount of money still to go before its back on the road. (Not just on the road, hopefully making some power :) ) I have about 3,500 or so to go and I've already put about 3k into it. with that being said, being 20 years old, and loving the mk3 the way I do, I wanna do it right the first time.

Being I'm pretty discoraged about my given financial situations, and still 3500 away from hearing my 7m purr once again, I went and sat in it. I put the shifter in one hand, and the wheel in the other, and I remembered driving it, I remembered the awesome feeling of driving this car, and it made me remember why I started this project.

I will continue to save to finish my mk3, hopefully in the early summer I can take my Targa off, and cruise once again!


New Member
Jan 19, 2013
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
That's what makes a sports car amazing. You can go back to the memories and recall the amazing feeling of being behind the wheel of that specific car. Im in the same position as you, it's expensive. But Im hoping (as this is my first supra) this car will be worth it in the end. :) Hope your project goes well man! It'll soon be time to take these cars out again for summer driving.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
This is why I'm glad I'm past the hurdle. Giving up really isn't an option for me at this point, I have WAY too much invested in the car. I mean, I could sell all those parts, but after 4 years of planning and re-planning, even going so far as to buy a house so I had a place to keep her indoors, giving up really isn't an option anymore. :)

Just don't tell my wallet. ;)


New Member
Sep 30, 2012
Pelham,New Hampshire
I got a diesel truck I'm use to 1,600 for injectors, 1,500 for a turbo so the supra game seams slot cheaper.... It's still not cheap compared to Honda upgrading and domestic upgrading..,

Gutta pay to play. It sucks when u add up all the things you bought for your supra and u realize what you could of bought with that money. But it all goes away when ur behind the wheel... It's a love hate relationship with the supra hate it 98% of the time when working on it. Priceless when driving it

Gutta love it


New Member
Apr 14, 2008
Auburn, Georgia, United States
I will say 4 years ago I did my first 1jz swap and I paid someone to finish up the car for me and that did not turn out so good the car run for a month in that month my ecu took a shit then the same day was I was lipping it home it crank walked on me so there I had to make a big choice sell everything or fix it long story short 4 years later my car is almost done its right now in the body shop getting ready for paint it been a very on 4 years but I never gave up and now I am 100% happy I didn't.


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
When you're 20, $3500 can be a lot of money. Heck, it's probably enough to go buy another sports car in reasonably good condition.

As for the cost of upgrading something else, it always depends on where you want to go with it. I spent a lot of money on my '75 Chev back in the early 90s, and in the end, it wasn't faster than my Supra is going to be. It costs money to make power. Back in the 80s and 90s, there wasn't any way to do that except aftermarket either. Now you can go pick up a 500+ HP car off of the dealer lot, so spending a lot of money to get up to par with a new car has less appeal. It certainly wouldn't be cheap to upgrade those either.

I used to joke that it would be cheaper to make my POS Neon a 10 second car than it would to get the same thing from the Supra. It would have been cheap and easy, but wouldn't have lasted long. (Then again, with how cheap you can buy a Neon for, who cares?) I was still never tempted to do it.

It's not for everyone. Most people should probably just drive something stock, rather than go the more difficult route of modding. Sounds like it's time to decide which side of that line to stand on.


7m forever!
Jan 9, 2013
bennington vermont
MT1;1909255 said:
That's what makes a sports car amazing. You can go back to the memories and recall the amazing feeling of being behind the wheel of that specific car. Im in the same position as you, it's expensive. But Im hoping (as this is my first supra) this car will be worth it in the end. :) Hope your project goes well man! It'll soon be time to take these cars out again for summer driving.
This is my first supra as well. This car is my first 5 speed sports car. The summer driving is definitely what I'm looking forward to right now!


Aug 8, 2007
Edmonton AB
Like the others that posted It was a hard pill to swallow when I got the bill for my rebuild.

I was originally quoted around $7000 to build and install the motor. In the end (I hate admitting this part) it doubled to over $14000, mind you I added forged internals and a MHG but that doesn't make up for the difference. However, once it was paid off I was able to enjoy the car again and had a blast with it.

If I could do it all again I would except I'd build and swap the motor myself just for the experience.


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey


7m forever!
Jan 9, 2013
bennington vermont
supra1jz;1909287 said:
I will say 4 years ago I did my first 1jz swap and I paid someone to finish up the car for me and that did not turn out so good the car run for a month in that mocu took a shit then the same day was I was lipping it home it crank walked on me so there I had to make a big choice sell everything or fix it long story short 4 years later my car is almost done its right now in the body shop getting ready for paint it been a very on 4 years but I never gave up and now I am 100% happy I didn't.
I always do all my own work, so I know what goes into it, and how its done. My dad had a wrench in my hand at 4yrs old, I owe all my mechanical knowledge to him. When I was lilttle kid I knew I wanted to build cars, I just never thought I'd end up with a supra!

Dan_Gyoba;1909301 said:
When you're 20, $3500 can be a lot of money. Heck, it's probably enough to go buy another sports car in reasonably good condition.

As for the cost of upgrading something else, it always depends on where you want to go with it. I spent a lot of money on my '75 Chev back in the early 90s, and in the end, it wasn't faster than my Supra is going to be. It costs money to make power. Back in the 80s and 90s, there wasn't any way to do that except aftermarket either. Now you can go pick up a 500+ HP car off of the dealer lot, so spending a lot of money to get up to par with a new car has less appeal. It certainly wouldn't be cheap to upgrade those either.

I used to joke that it would be cheaper to make my POS Neon a 10 second car than it would to get the same thing from the Supra. It would have been cheap and easy, but wouldn't have lasted long. (Then again, with how cheap you can buy a Neon for, who cares?) I was still never tempted to do it.

It's not for everyone. Most people should probably just drive something stock, rather than go the more difficult route of modding. Sounds like it's time to decide which side of that line to stand on.

My good friend lives right over the hill from me, he builds crazy cars. He keeps telling me its the little things that count, every paycheck, I buy something, weither its large or small. Modding my car give me a sence of pride, its my car, I did the work. Stock is absolutely no fun.


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
It can be tough and expensive to get your supra up and running. And sometimes things goes over budget. That is why it is wise to have a daily driver to have as a back up. Plus it is nice to leave the supra in the gararge on bad wather days to keep nice and clean to then go tear up the roadways in one on the finest Grand Touring cars ever made. Remember back in the day when The MKIII was compared to 928s and the jag XJ12 corvette and other high end cars of the sort. Even with the 232 factory HP. A 350 to 400 WHP MKIII is a blast to drive and if the basics are done they can be driven many trouble free miles. Oh did i mention that they rock on the open road eating up miles like no tomorrow These were not cheap cars in there day. My uncles says almost everytime he drives his mostly stock low mileage 1992 the some paid $32,000 for the car. It was owned by two older people that had it dealer maintained. He also is happy to have his 1989 supra back that he owned from 1994 to 1999 and drove from 105k to 210k. Hks sport turbo , hks exhaust. and several other goodies. That car ran 107 mph all day long. If you look at performance cars of the day it rocked. Now hey had it back at 242k with a whole lot more performance than it used to have. He sold it to his buddy a Toyota Mater tech. He now plans to put another 100k on it. Several years ago we redid my Grandma's 1988 supra. Yeah even my Grandma rocked a turbo supra. She pasted away in 1999. So we made it to look like a 89-92 supra. One theing for sure it is cool to have a uncle who was a Toyota Master Tech for over 15 years. So get that amazing Grand Touring car up on the road when you can and have a geat time driving the premium road car then and now.


New Member
Sep 30, 2012
Pelham,New Hampshire
^^^ I keep hearing about how great these cars are and how much fun they at to drive. I bought mine in October. Never registered it started to do the restoration the next day. I can't wait till the day I can take it out and Cruz With the targa off. My dad use to,have a 87 and he got rid of it because he got to many tickets. It's like a flash back for him when ever he hears it run he loves it he keeps telling my how fun it is to,drive them. I came home one day and took it around the neighborhood my dad couldn't resist it wasn't registered so i told him to take It easy so we don't get the neighbors mad. This was the first time he has driven one in 16 years. He hopped in it came around the corner. Reduced to 3rd gun it hit 80mph the hood came flying up and broke the windshield... Gotta love it. I was so mad but I couldn't stop laughing... He pulled it in the garage said FUCK... Il pay for the hood and windshield... He smiled at me and said I had it going good huh?... I just laughed

Bad memories but good memories at the same time I can't wait till I can't take it past 30mph lol it's like a tease driving it around the neighborhood I want to hit the skinny peddle so bad lol

Back on topic when I fixed up my truck I learned the hard way to do everything the right way first. I did the cheap way first because of money but ended up doing it the right way after and it cost me more money that way but it would of been cheaper to do it the right way first. I only spend money on my cars when I know I have money coming in every week.. In the winter I plow and go to school so I tend to spend a lot less in the winter it sucks because thats best time to get stuff done to the car....

Snow + supra = no bueno


New Member
Nov 15, 2010
i havent driven a supra in around 2 yrs maybe longer. just got my supra running (2.5k) but still need 1k or so to get the car road ready. and still havent given up on it came close.

dont forget next time you pretend your driving your supra gotta make the noises including shifting! ^.-

it will be worth all the wait when you get to blast her down the high way!


7m forever!
Jan 9, 2013
bennington vermont
zby67;1909395 said:
i havent driven a supra in around 2 yrs maybe longer. just got my supra running (2.5k) but still need 1k or so to get the car road ready. and still havent given up on it came close.

dont forget next time you pretend your driving your supra gotta make the noises including shifting! ^.-

it will be worth all the wait when you get to blast her down the high way!

I like cornering with the car a lot better then just ripping down the highway. On stock, original suspension, it hadles better then anything I have ever driven!

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
I think I can definitely relate after dumping 20,000 into my build since august and then to have my first start up be a complete disaster I had to step back and think... I still have not driven my car but I can tell you ive watched the first start up video about a billion times and smile from ear to ear.

I really look up to people like Ian (IJ) who have been through so much physically and financially and still find the strength to build such amazing cars.

Personally I will die with my passion intact and will never discourage people into moving on


New Member
Jan 2, 2013
Ventura County
MT1;1909255 said:
That's what makes a sports car amazing. You can go back to the memories and recall the amazing feeling of being behind the wheel of that specific car. Im in the same position as you, it's expensive. But Im hoping (as this is my first supra) this car will be worth it in the end. :) Hope your project goes well man! It'll soon be time to take these cars out again for summer driving.

I couldn't agree more with you. Unfortunately for me I haven't even been able to drive my car in good running condition. I've wanted a supra for so many years and finally have one. I wanted a project and that is exactly what I received. It hasn't been easy and money runs out on you quick but I know if I give up and lose determination, all the time and effort so far would be for absolutely nothing. Just have to push on. :)

Sent from my GSIII


New Member
Jan 2, 2013
Ventura County
Turbo Habanero;1909450 said:
I think I can definitely relate after dumping 20,000 into my build since august and then to have my first start up be a complete disaster I had to step back and think... I still have not driven my car but I can tell you ive watched the first start up video about a billion times and smile from ear to ear.

I really look up to people like Ian (IJ) who have been through so much physically and financially and still find the strength to build such amazing cars.

Personally I will die with my passion intact and will never discourage people into moving on

It's that kind of passion that makes the car community great. I remember the night I bought my car last month and hearing it fire up just for that one minute. I smiled like a kid on Christmas. Just thinking of that is what keeps me out there in the bipolar weather in social trying to breathe life into this amazing car

Sent from my GSIII