w58 tranny problems


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
theres two things acting up with my tranny right now. the first is at a stop i'll let the clutch out and give it some gas like i normally do but its like the clutch isnt engaging or something because the car starts shaking. once i start moving the shaking stops. it does this in reverse too, but once it starts moving it stops like in first. someone told me it might be the clutch slave cylinder leaking hydralic fluid into the clutch area causing it to not engage. so i replaced that and it still does it, doesnt seem to happen as often as before i replaced the slave cylinder. my second problem is sometimes i will be slowing down and want to downshift but it wont go into the gear. i have to muscle it in. i'll let the clutch back out and push it back in but it still wont go in. this only happens when downshifting. any ideas?


Supramania Contributor
Jul 2, 2007
Sounds like the system isn't fully engaging and the clutch is going out. Before you fault the clutch though try bleeding the clutch release cylinder.
You can see it by looking down on the drivers side and watch the fork as someone pushes in the clutch. If it doesn't move in very far bleed it by pushing in the clutch, hold the pedal in and crack the bleed port on the cylinder, then re tighten the bleed port while the pedal is still down. Repeat till only fluid comes out and no air. The cylinder should engage the fork more fully now.
If it still shakes when driving then the clutch might be hosed.
You can climb under and do a visual to see if the cylinder is leaking and also check the fluid level. You will need to also check it while bleeding to make sure it has fluid otherwise it will start getting air and you will have to start again.
And don't forget to wear goggles or something so you don't get fluid in your eyes, and your supposed to put a clear hose on the bleed port and have it going to a catch can or mason jar so you don't get fluid all over the place.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Chatham, Va
i bled the system when i replaced the clutch slave cylinder. i'll check to see how far its pushing the clutch fork. there was a lot of grease or fluid on the fork itself and the inside of the boot that covered it, is that normal? it wouldnt surprise me if the clutch started to go because its got 170,000 miles on the original clutch. i've heard of someones flywheel bolts coming loose, would that cause my car to do what i described?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
When you push in the clutch pedal, you are diengaging the clutch. To engage the clutch, you release the pedal. I say this because I want to be sure when your problem happens.

If you get vibration when letting the pedal out, you likely have a bad disc.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
1st and reverse are the deepest reduction, so effects of a bad disc are more apparent. The closer the ratio, the less you even need to disengage the clutch to shift.

I would pull the trans and look, but with out a lift, it isn't a 30-45 minute job.


Hardcore Lurker
Jan 6, 2007
Norman, Oklahoma
Don't forget that it may actually be a burned flywheel from all those burnouts you've been doing. Sounds like it's time to replace the disc and machine the flywheel.

As for having to force it into gear? Yeah, bad master or slave. Check 'em both.