...ok, some of you guys here know these systems upside down and backwards, whereas I'm just now getting into the 7m's. Could use a little help on this issue, especially from those who've gone the same route before (ie, VPC)
My 7m car, finally up and going, but having some slow-driveability issues...
I'm running a 7m, stock ECU, stock injectors, VPC /w stock 440 chip, RonR FFIM/w ISCV retained. All data is pulled with the LC-1 and Aux-Box (not hooked up yet). I just verified the TPS is OK, the vac-hose to the VPC pressure sensor is only ~8" long (that's what she said) and sofar my only other complaint of the running condition is a slight miss at idle.
The car starts fine, idles fine (albeit a bit low for my tastes, 600rpm or so) I get the car warmed up, everything going as it should, and my first throttle stab after idling, I get a vicious lean-spike that nearly kills the engine, then it pops right back where it needs to be.
...if I pull it up to 1200rpm, then give it a go, she's a-ok. ...runs really nice AFR's everywhere else. Closed-loop is working great at idle and cruising, going wide-open while cruising gives a nice, dependable enrichment that goes right where it should when boost comes in. (open DP sounds so sweet, by the way)
Everything is groovy EXCEPT that first touch of the throttle. Does anyone else see this? What do you cats think it could be? I'm going to check the VPC pressure sensor tonight and make sure the voltages are within spec, but other than that I'm lost man, got no clue...
Thanks in advance, all helpful posters get free beer at first chance. (You deals-gap folk keep that in mind, only 3 weeks till free-beer time.)
My 7m car, finally up and going, but having some slow-driveability issues...
I'm running a 7m, stock ECU, stock injectors, VPC /w stock 440 chip, RonR FFIM/w ISCV retained. All data is pulled with the LC-1 and Aux-Box (not hooked up yet). I just verified the TPS is OK, the vac-hose to the VPC pressure sensor is only ~8" long (that's what she said) and sofar my only other complaint of the running condition is a slight miss at idle.
The car starts fine, idles fine (albeit a bit low for my tastes, 600rpm or so) I get the car warmed up, everything going as it should, and my first throttle stab after idling, I get a vicious lean-spike that nearly kills the engine, then it pops right back where it needs to be.
...if I pull it up to 1200rpm, then give it a go, she's a-ok. ...runs really nice AFR's everywhere else. Closed-loop is working great at idle and cruising, going wide-open while cruising gives a nice, dependable enrichment that goes right where it should when boost comes in. (open DP sounds so sweet, by the way)
Everything is groovy EXCEPT that first touch of the throttle. Does anyone else see this? What do you cats think it could be? I'm going to check the VPC pressure sensor tonight and make sure the voltages are within spec, but other than that I'm lost man, got no clue...
Thanks in advance, all helpful posters get free beer at first chance. (You deals-gap folk keep that in mind, only 3 weeks till free-beer time.)