Some quotes from another site discussing the awesomeness of Volvos, specifically the 240.
"Volvonium, the super-hard metal found only in Sweden, is not on the Periodic Table of Elements because it would make all the other metals look like wet paper."
"Volvo's don't use petrol. They are fuelled by impact and hate. The turbo on the T5 model actually spits gravel in the engine to piss it off."
"The new unit of measure for a substances hardness is Volvos (Vo); a diamond is 2x10^-9Vo in hardness"
"A pro wrestler recently backed into a Volvo 240 in a grocery store parking lot, no damage was done, but over the weekend his wife and child were strangled and he was hung by the angered car."
"Scientists speculate that the Volvo 240 is actually of extraterrestrial origins. It first came to Earth 65 million years ago when it impacted the Earth somewhere around what is now Southern Mexico, drove away and killed off all the dinosaurs. Later on, to make it's environment more suitable, scientists specualate that it drove to the North Pole and rammed large chunks of ice off of the ice cap, starting the Ice Age."
"There is no Chuck Norris - It's a 240 in disguise."

"Volvonium, the super-hard metal found only in Sweden, is not on the Periodic Table of Elements because it would make all the other metals look like wet paper."
"Volvo's don't use petrol. They are fuelled by impact and hate. The turbo on the T5 model actually spits gravel in the engine to piss it off."
"The new unit of measure for a substances hardness is Volvos (Vo); a diamond is 2x10^-9Vo in hardness"
"A pro wrestler recently backed into a Volvo 240 in a grocery store parking lot, no damage was done, but over the weekend his wife and child were strangled and he was hung by the angered car."
"Scientists speculate that the Volvo 240 is actually of extraterrestrial origins. It first came to Earth 65 million years ago when it impacted the Earth somewhere around what is now Southern Mexico, drove away and killed off all the dinosaurs. Later on, to make it's environment more suitable, scientists specualate that it drove to the North Pole and rammed large chunks of ice off of the ice cap, starting the Ice Age."
"There is no Chuck Norris - It's a 240 in disguise."