Views on Open Carry


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
mattsplat72;1845351 said:
Exactly my point, you really need to carry a gun while swimming? Gonna shoot a shark?

Immature totally, insecure not so much. I don't need a $1100 penis extension to feel safe.

Yes, cause you totally can't be mugged while going to the beach... The whole point of carrying a weapon is for insurance, and like insurance you don't ever want to use it, but you never know when you'll need it.

You calling it a "penis extension" just confirms that you don't get it.

ifyouaint1sturlast;1845356 said:
I must agree with Matt. My first impression would just be that it's for show.

Maybe if it was gold plated...


New Member
Nov 4, 2011
Next door
i have decided to go concealment and looking at a 1911 as we speak :D ....penis extension? nah lol carrying for show? maybe someone hauling around an ak47. i want my weapon for personal protection for me and my family where ever we go, i am not buying a gun to be all "ooo look at me i gotta gun be afraid!".


Banned Scammer - I'm whitemike.
Jun 14, 2011
Fort Myers/Cape Coral - Florida
It seems you're arguing the point of why one would need to carry in public. All of the points you discuss aren't really concerning only open carry, they seem to be carrying in general..

I believe Matt was referring to 'penis extension' and the whole for show deal to be for the open carrying concept. More of a question is, why would you want someone to know you have a gun? It would be less appealing for someone to rob you, but in just about every other scenario, it seems to play against you..


New Member
Nov 4, 2011
Next door
ifyouaint1sturlast;1845487 said:
It seems you're arguing the point of why one would need to carry in public. All of the points you discuss aren't really concerning only open carry, they seem to be carrying in general..

I believe Matt was referring to 'penis extension' and the whole for show deal to be for the open carrying concept. More of a question is, why would you want someone to know you have a gun? It would be less appealing for someone to rob you, but in just about every other scenario, it seems to play against you..

don't want to get this thread off track so it can be closed i have decided to go Conceal carry.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
To the OP: A 1911 is not a good first gun, especially if you are going to add conceal/carry responsibilities immediately. The manual of arms for the 1911 is quite a bit more complicated, as well as the possibility of an AD, just because you can carry most "locked and cocked". I would recommend some classes, and alot of practice with one at the range, and at home with snap caps, before you take on the conceal/carry responsibility. There are alot of weapons out there that would be a better choice, for a first gun, as well as a conceal weapon, although hardcore 1911 fans would argue otherwise.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
I depend on glock every day to protect my life and the others that i serve. However, you need only carry the weapon that you are proficient with and comfortable with.
People can and will mass debate 9mm / 40 / 45 stoppinpower all day. Truth is no round will stop any thing that it doesn't hit.
Last, your original question.
No statistical facts or data have ever been published to my knowledge stating that open carry makes you more or less ofba target.


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
SWD Fredester 3;1845167 said:
Save your money, go to your range and rent a few different pistols to shoot. See what the range has in Sig 1911's. Reason I say save your money is because you should consider a Sig 1911 RCS, either two tone or nitron. 45ACP w/ a 4.2" barrel. Should be able to buy a new one for around $1100. Very nice concealed carry pistol.

1911 can be a handful for someone to maintain, and if you are carrying you will need more than the 7/8+1.

As for open carry, I wouldn't and dont. I have no need to broadcast that I have a firearm on my person. This does not apply if you need to open carry as you cannot conceal.


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
foreverpsycotic;1855581 said:
1911 can be a handful for someone to maintain, and if you are carrying you will need more than the 7/8+1.
What does it hurt to carry a spare magazine or two? Sure, it's not exactly convenient to carry in your pocket, but if you're wearing a coat or something...


New Member
Jun 12, 2011
Morgantown W.V.
Exercise you second amendment right while you still can,its our right as americans,and also good investment,sales are at an all time high,with women being fastest growing segment,ccw is imho a good decision,some states have open carry which i have done but like the other posters open carry may draw unwanted attention.But buy all ya can afford as investment as well as personal home protection,,its a very important time in our country now,a lot of uncertianty,so go for it and make sure to buy good ammo,ya get what ya pay for,my prefrence is .45 acp,the wife is .40 s&w ,lots to choose from,and its a good way to spend time with friends and family plinking,good luck

SWD Fredester 3

Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2008
baltimore maryland
foreverpsycotic;1855581 said:
1911 can be a handful for someone to maintain, and if you are carrying you will need more than the 7/8+1.

I would hope that someone that owns a Supra and works on it would have the patience and ability to field strip and clean a 1911. Granted they are not as easy as a poly gun--XDM or a Sig P226 but it can be enjoyable. Every time my wife & I go to the range I come home & clean our 1911"s. Kimber and Sig's are relatively easy compared to the super tight Les Baers.
As far as extra mags, you can buy Sig. mag pouches for around $18. Belt clip behind the holster and easy to reach.


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
Avicii;1845216 said:
Crazy story that just happened and making me think a little harder about buying a gun, 6/3/2012 3:50 am and i am sitting here watching 21 jump st ( good movie ) and i hear this commotion down in the front of our apartment's between a male and female arguing, then i hear her say "why are you trying to fight me" then she says "why do you have a knife" and then she scream's for him to stop, now i don't know if she was doing this out of fear of getting cut or if she was being stabbed so i jumped up dialed 911 (first time ever!) and told them what was going on, i live not even 2 minutes from the police station so they arrived fast but the people had already went inside and of course no one wanted to talk but this little experience got my heart racing lol.

now i know i did the right thing calling 911 but would you have done anything different? what if she was getting stabbed to death? if i had a gun should i have went and helped until the police arrived? these are the type of situation's i was just thinking about and its scary to know it can happen anytime anywhere and i have a split second to decide do i help or do i sit there. i have no problem protecting myself or any of my family but a stranger? i don't want to be a hero but i don't want anyone to get hurt either, this has really got me thinking now.
Hmm sounds like my day to day life as a police officer. Tough choices to be made yes. Your mind needs to be right.
From time to time there's a lot of police.bashing being posted but that's Kool. We all have our opinions. But what you're describing is what many good hearted police officers do everyday in this nation. Sure u might have some rouge cops that tarnish the badge but remember most of us sacrifice our lives for the citizens in our jurisdictions.
Yes we are trained and yes we volunteered for this I know. I'm just saying:)
And to the OP I would suggest you carry concealed. Good luck and be safe.
here in AZ the law is anyone can conceal carry (that started 2 months after my 21st bday) I myslef wanted to take the CCW class either way. i did get my permit and still carry it to this day and WILL renew it at times needed. i for the most part do carry concealed but at times do open carry, yes you get weird looks but really IMO people can piss off...they know what i have and will probably leave me alone. i carry my gun every where as well wall-mart, the mall, the movies (witch people USED to give me shit about and now...they dont say much)... ect. people have asked me why i carry and have said well do you think you would really be able to stop someone if you needed too... (trying to prove their point of being right and i should sell all my guns because we have cops...) my answer has always been and will always be "i might not be able to do anything or help in anyway BUT i know if i do need it, its there and i do have some background of formal training unlike alot of others out there

i open carry my colt new agent
and conceal carry my glock 26
some times (mostly CL deals) i take my AR15 in the trunk (or in the truck) with me ready to go... but im a guy that believes in being ready for "worst" case...

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
ifyouaint1sturlast;1845356 said:
I must agree with Matt. My first impression would just be that it's for show.

Is that why we have the second amendment? For show? To bear means to carry. And there was no such thing as concealment then. They meant you have the right to (own) carry firearms.


Sep 5, 2011
Shadows of Utah
jetjock;1870534 said:
Generally speaking I think it's dumb. I'm guilty of it myself on occasion but since my carry piece is so tiny (to compensate for my enormous pecker) nobody ever notices...


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Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
jetjock;1870534 said:
Generally speaking I think it's dumb. I'm guilty of it myself on occasion but since my carry piece is so tiny (to compensate for my enormous pecker) nobody ever notices...
You know... of all the things I never expected to see you post, that might have topped the list. :rofl: