The worm gear clamp on the oil pan for my oil cooler lines was resting on the PS RETURN hardline. I guess the vibration of the engine managed slice a small gash into the hardline causing it to gush PS fluid :3d_frown:.....who would thought....
Suggestions on a patch method? Cut is very small so pressure levels is minimal. I realize this would be much easier if it was the return line but unfortunately its not.
BTW, i DO NOT have a welder handy, im out of state. Not sure if patch welding it is the best idea or not, don't want to melt the line by accident.
I was thinking heater hose, sliced down the middle, put it over the cut, clamps over the cut. Or maybe even epoxy/silicone on the inside of the hose and clamp over the cut. Not sure what ATF fluid can penetrate vs. not.
another thing is, ive used epoxy with ATF fluid before and it penetrated it in no time, any thoughts on silicone vs. epoxy?
EDIT: i made a mistake, this is the RETURN LINE!
Suggestions on a patch method? Cut is very small so pressure levels is minimal. I realize this would be much easier if it was the return line but unfortunately its not.
BTW, i DO NOT have a welder handy, im out of state. Not sure if patch welding it is the best idea or not, don't want to melt the line by accident.
I was thinking heater hose, sliced down the middle, put it over the cut, clamps over the cut. Or maybe even epoxy/silicone on the inside of the hose and clamp over the cut. Not sure what ATF fluid can penetrate vs. not.
another thing is, ive used epoxy with ATF fluid before and it penetrated it in no time, any thoughts on silicone vs. epoxy?
EDIT: i made a mistake, this is the RETURN LINE!
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