Very serious Police Powertrip Video


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
sure go to the precinct and make a complaint or better yet go to their internal affairs office and make your complaint there. and if your allegations are founded then you will have a good case. good luck
mecevans;1397570 said:
we have had a flood of rookie cops in my town since the older guys retired. all out of state guys and no nothing of the community. they are so hostile to everyone and have this same kind of mentality. the older cops were so cool and they never tripped over small shit. my family has lived in this town for over 100 years and in 6 months my uncle was tazzed in his own home, i was arrested for a license plate cover, my cousin received a ticket for crossing the street and not wearing a helmet in his own yard.

i would love to go down there and ask for one of the complaint forums!


Supramania Contributor
Jul 16, 2008
Albera, Too Far North
atlpd3147;1397543 said:
Yes get rid off all the cops... hmm are you kidding? Police officers are needed in the world. If it weren't for police to help keep the order in society we would be really in a world of hurt.
Just imagine all those perps on american most wanted. Who do you think goes out there to apprehend all those killers and child molesters? Police officers that's who. Sure tips come in from regular citizens but dirt bags are arrested by police. Tell you what go put a 15 shot pistol on your hip and you and your closest friend go out to the toughest hood in your city and walk up to six scum bag dope boys and tell them to leave the corner cause you're sick and tired of their illegal drug activity. If you're able to survive that experience come back and tell me how the bottom of your stomach felt when you know that you might not live to see another day cause at anytime you could be killed by one of these punks. Hurry up I'll be here waiting for a full report. :)
By no means is every cop in america a class a person but as a whole they are what keeps the bad people in check so you and your family can sleep half way good at nite.

atlpd3147;1397555 said:
So where do you live? And can you provide a detailed story explaining your claim of a search without consent? is this something that has happened to you or is this a story told to you by a friend or family memeber. I would gladly help direct you to the local US district attorney to have charges filed against these officers that violated the 4th ammendment. Provided this did happen in america. :)

atlpd3147;1397641 said:
sure go to the precinct and make a complaint or better yet go to their internal affairs office and make your complaint there. and if your allegations are founded then you will have a good case. good luck


Clearly you don't see my sarcasm. I'm also supporting the police, well the bulk anyways. Read my first post pal, the first line was a joke, sorry. I think its clear, your a cop, know a cop, or you're married to a cop.


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
above the law with a license to kill. what else are they going to do with ultimate power other than harass and abuse it?

Tire Shredder

New Member
Sep 15, 2005
That was a good video. The beating of that blonde woman was brutal and made me sick. as shocking as all of the violent stuff was, what really surprises me is the abundance of complaint form videos they had. What shocks me about it is how frequent it appears. It shows me that the attitudes were consistent in all the videos. and scares me to think this could be the norm across the country.

makes me want a gun.


kool member
Nov 26, 2005
you quoted three post from me when only one was a direct reply to your post. but hey you have the right to do that:sarcasm: i guess. lol
dumbo;1397648 said:

Clearly you don't see my sarcasm. I'm also supporting the police, well the bulk anyways. Read my first post pal, the first line was a joke, sorry. I think its clear, your a cop, know a cop, or you're married to a cop.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
Talk about a video that makes the blood boil! I only made it through 13:20 of the vid, and the last segment I saw really pissed me off. Stripping an innocent woman of her clothing and searching her when she was originally the victim of an assualt is just fucked up! Those officers should have the same thing done to them!


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
It gets worse, watch the rest.

atlpd3147;1397641 said:
sure go to the precinct and make a complaint or better yet go to their internal affairs office and make your complaint there. and if your allegations are founded then you will have a good case. good luck

Obviously you didn't watch the video. Have fun making a complaint...


New Member
Jun 22, 2009
that video pissed me off:3d_frown:

i feel like asking how to file a complaint to see their reaction at the police station...:sarcasm:

makes u feel kinda helpless! And i agree, makes me want a gun too just in case i get harrassed for eating a donut or drinking starbucks on a sidewalk minding my own business...

f**k crooked cops!!