Where in Va Beach are you? I may have seen you running around. The only person beyond semi87 that I can think of might be Forcefed, but he's out for 6 months or so. Try contacting All Aspects (757-547-2888), Virginia Speed (don't know the number), or Dyno-Tuned Performance (757-549-3966). Stay away from Millennium Racing. They are serious trouble. As for Dyno-Inc, I'm not too certain. I haven't heard much beyond one of their tuners spouting crap at a local meet trying to convince a modded MKiv, who knew what he was doing, to change his tune. Then again, you can't talk about tuning a civic and turn around and jump in on a Supra conversation without changing your way of tuning. lol
Personally, my favorite is Abacus Racing. They rock. 757-363-8878. I know they do a bunch of Supra stuff. They've done work for quite a few of us local guys with machining, it might do some good to give them a call and ask if they know anything. Or maybe that shop that has that 1000WHP license plate MKiv, the one mentioned in the 2010 meet thread.