Venting about my neighbors..


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
Does anyone else hate there neighbors? Or have neighbors that hate them?

So anyways I just got a new tps, I have a FFIM with a fleEbay throttle body. I installed the tps using a multimeter however the car was still having a little issue when cruising it would fluctuate when it gets to 2k rpm it would drop back to idle then back to 2k etc.

So I decide to just do it by ear on my drive way, I start the car and hold the throttle to about 2k when it starts to fluctuate and slightly move the tps. I get it to where it stops fluctuating but its kind of backfiring, just when I get it just right I hear someone yelling, it kind of startled me, and of course I let go of the tps and it begins fluctuating on its own.

I look around expecting to find my wife yelling she needs something. Instead I see my neighbor yelling and doing the cut it off gesture on his neck, so I do. He then begins yelling at me asking do you have to keep doing that!?!? I apologize and tell him I'm almost finished. He then gets sarcastic and says really you're sorry? If you want I can call the cops! (This was at 330 pm). I got a little upset but maintained composure and said I'll be done in a few minutes, he then proceeds to threaten with the cops and I tell him "quiet time" is at 9pm" and I'll be done before then.

And of course I have an even older lady neighbor across the street, she decides to join in and take sides with the guy and they proceed to lecture me that this is a residential zone not commercial and other crap. I already can not stand the old lady as she backed into my 75 celica and won't admit to it though it's her paint on my car. She tells me she's a good driver and if she did hit it she would have told me like she did when she backed into my neighbors truck.

I'm sorry for the long rant... I just needed to vent. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my post.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
This is why my wife and I are moving out to the country, having so much land that I would have to drive to my neighbors is awesome...fuck the city and it's scum sucking people.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
I'm seriously thinking about moving it used to be a nice neighborhood but now its full of grumpy old farts.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
zachm611;2053581 said:
I'm seriously thinking about moving it used to be a nice neighborhood but now its full of grumpy old farts.

Move to the country, tons of land, no one around, can do what you's great.


New Member
Jan 12, 2014
Where in iowa are you from cinder? And I agree my town probably wouldn't notice if I ran open downpipe to be honest lol


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
It's so green there lol, I used to live in Nebraska. Now I live in New Mexico. If I move to the country here, that is desert and the wife is afraid of snakes. I tried already but my friend had a bad situation with a rattle snake den right under his house. After that there was no chance she would want to. There is nice forest areas but way to expensive.

I wish the old neighbors would move back, one of them had a top fuel dragster, the other guy just had a bunch of Honda's. But there was never any complaints about us. If I wasn't so lazy I'd get up and complain about them mowing their lawns so early in the morning.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
mach 6 winds is almost a daily thing here. Except we have heated dust blasts instead of frost. To be honest, I miss the snow.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
That sucks dude, my old place was like that. Neighbors would be in bed at 7:30pm, I'd be out in the shop cutting, welding, grinding, they'd call me and ask if I was nearly done. Never threatened to call the cops, but i was always uneasy about working outside past 7:30.

We finally moved into our new house, and although no garage yet, we have a walk-out basement that's shielded by a 10" thick concrete retaining wall on one side, and a sloped bank on the other. Regardless of that, we live on 4.5 acres, the neighbor to the south is probably 500ft away, up a small knoll, through a meadow with a treeline bisecting it, and the neighbor to the north is an old fella whom I introduced myself to last year. He won't even look at our property while he mows. The conversation went like this:

"Hey, I'm Chris, my fiance and I just purchased this land, so we'll be setting it up for a new house over the next year. If I make too much noise, let me know!"

His response (He's an old fella that owns what used to be a thriving apple orchard):
"Kid, if you don't care what I do, I don't care what you do. It's your property, use it however you see fit. I'm no man to tell anyone how to utilize their own land!"

He and I get along juuust fine. The loudest noise he makes is with his lawnmower, and I can BARELY hear it.

voted: move to country


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
Well something interesting came up, an old co worker might be selling his farm, he is moving to Albuquerque which is a few hours away. My wife mentioned she liked the area he lived in as its has a little river going through town so it has trees and is relatively green. It would increase my commute by almost 20 mins. But it might be worth it! I'll have to ask him if he is selling. :) I am so jealous of you guys lol. Especially you Chris, seems like he is one of the rare old people who are nice and really don't care.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
Well looks like a move is in the near future. Whether or not it's to the country remains unknown. Anyways the house pretty much directly across the street, the only other young people on the block. I guess the lesbians got into an argument and one of them shot and killed the other. I knew it wasn't good when the ambulance showed up, the emts walked in and walked out. Within a few minutes crime scene unit showed up and replaced the ambulance. My wife is rather distraught about it. So we'll see!


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
I'm from the southeast. I grew up in the country on 90 acres of property then moved away for college. I gotta say, I love the feeling of being able to go out on my own property with no one else around and do whatever the hell I want. I don't live in the country right now because of school but I definitely have a place to go back to. The only thing I ever had to worry about here in the south was crazy humidity, weather that can't seem to make up it's mind, and mosquitoes......


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
I was stationed at Keesler AFB a few years back. I agree, the humidity was crazy!! As soon as you step outside you're already feeling sweaty lol. The random weather changes didn't bother me much but the mosquitoes!! There are so many of them, and they're huge!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
shaeff;2054308 said:
That sucks dude, my old place was like that. Neighbors would be in bed at 7:30pm, I'd be out in the shop cutting, welding, grinding, they'd call me and ask if I was nearly done. Never threatened to call the cops, but i was always uneasy about working outside past 7:30.

We finally moved into our new house, and although no garage yet, we have a walk-out basement that's shielded by a 10" thick concrete retaining wall on one side, and a sloped bank on the other. Regardless of that, we live on 4.5 acres, the neighbor to the south is probably 500ft away, up a small knoll, through a meadow with a treeline bisecting it, and the neighbor to the north is an old fella whom I introduced myself to last year. He won't even look at our property while he mows. The conversation went like this:

"Hey, I'm Chris, my fiance and I just purchased this land, so we'll be setting it up for a new house over the next year. If I make too much noise, let me know!"

His response (He's an old fella that owns what used to be a thriving apple orchard):
"Kid, if you don't care what I do, I don't care what you do. It's your property, use it however you see fit. I'm no man to tell anyone how to utilize their own land!"

He and I get along juuust fine. The loudest noise he makes is with his lawnmower, and I can BARELY hear it.

voted: move to country

Nice, this is going to be me when we move...on that note, house just was photographed yesterday, should be on the market soon, which means going to look at other houses this weekend....WOOT STOKED!


New Member
May 9, 2011
Madison, Virginia
Even living out in the country, you'll still find assholes. I live where we're outnumbered by the live stock and I've still got neighbors that bug me every time I bring my car out.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
SupraMario;2055444 said:
Nice, this is going to be me when we move...on that note, house just was photographed yesterday, should be on the market soon, which means going to look at other houses this weekend....WOOT STOKED!

Hell yeah, I love it here.

Congrats, hope you find exactly what you're looking for!


Mar 31, 2005
Troy, MI
My neighbors are the complete opposite and are a big part of the reason we're saving to move elsewhere.

I've got the guy to the left of me who runs a body shop out of his backyard garage. He keeps his noise to standard 1st shift hours but I smell fresh auto paint across my whole back yard on a regular basis and have to wash my cars twice as often due to the sanding dust in the air.

On the other side I've got a guy who brings home a new junker every couple months and works on them in his driveway (directly next to my infants bedroom) at all sorts of random hours. He's been known to mow his yard at 9:30 at night on occasion too.

Across the street we have a younger couple that just moved in that's mowed the lawn at 10:00 or later a couple times too.

I'd move to the country if the wife would agree to it but she wants to just be in a better suburban area with better schools.


Beauty In Disguise
Apr 15, 2006
new mexico
Wow... Mine are just grumpy old farts some of them mow their lawn at 530 am. Another old guy across the street creeps my wife out as he is constantly staring at her as she waters the plants...I try to be reasonable and only work on my car during the day. But my neighbors just have to have it their way. We have decided next year after the Camry is paid off were moving!! :)