What is the final verdict on Venom 550cc Fuel Injectors are they reliable if bought new from the dealer? If not,which manufactory is?
juggernaut said:What is the final verdict on Venom 550cc Fuel Injectors are they reliable if bought new from the dealer? If not,which manufactory is?
SuprAng said:i have some venoms that i had on the car w/ 20 pounds, but I got them way back when. I flow tested them they came out ok, but i wouldn't risk buying another set. They are for sale if anyones interested, 680s.
starscream5000 said:You would actually do that to a fellow Supra owner?? :3d_frown:
I wouldn't trust a Venom no matter how well someone says they flow.
SuprAng said:Don't question my integrity. They are flow tested with proof. I would've sold them cheap but whatever, not for sale, i'll prob keep running them, since I didn't end up going with a bigger turbo.