As far as money goes, it will be simple to replace them, but I will be making whoever did it (or their parents) pay for a paint job. period.
My hood is black and WAS in mint condition lol My white one was toast.
If I ever did anything bad, I got my ass kicked from here to next week by my mother. I'll be damned if I didn't learn respect and understanding for authority, with the proper mix of uprising where necessary lol But my little brothers on the other hand, have no idea... The other night they told my mother to shut up. Of course, I gave them a friendly reminder to watch themselves, and then my mother back-hand-bitch-smacked them both lmao I just wish they'd get it, but now that I'm out of my teens I actually look back and see where/when shit changed and my family became the dumbest bunch of people ever. Then I hit my twenties and wow... They're actually pretty smart now! lol