vac ports on TB vacuumless?


New Member
Nov 10, 2006
colorado springs
so i was looking for a better vac source for my bov and decided to try either of the 2 ports on top of the throttle body. took the car out for a test drive, nothing but surge. so i try the opposite one, again nothing but surge. so i let the car idle and remove both caps from the ports, and nothing happens, not even a hiccup. feel with my finger and not the slightest bit of vac.

is this bad? im sure its not normal. my guess is their clogged but im not sure how i would unclog them.

any tips on this weirdness?


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
These 2 vac ports are for the BVSV (fwd port - to purge the charcoal canister) and the EGR (rear port). Neither will provide vacuum at idle...the ports are forward of the TB plate when it's closed. Both are very poor choices to supply vac to the BOV ;)


Why not just use the vac line that supplies the stock BOV?


New Member
Nov 10, 2006
colorado springs
Well that's the port I was/am using. I changed the way the hose was setup and it now works amazingly.

However I did readup a little on those 2 ports before I posted and saw in the tsrm that they only pull vac at anything other than idle so I held my throttle linkage open a bit and they still didn't pull any. I'm satisfied with the bov port now but just wanting to make sure there's nothing I should be worried about with those ports.


making the supra better..
Jan 8, 2007
The tropical island....
im working in my ffim im wondering if any one could help me a little with a new vacuum setup cause i want to do a new one .... and i wondering that vaccum diagram never shows were the bov has to be conect or not if anyone could help me at this .... thanks


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
turbo87targa;1309930 said:
so i was looking for a better vac source for my bov and decided to try either of the 2 ports on top of the throttle body. took the car out for a test drive, nothing but surge. so i try the opposite one, again nothing but surge. so i let the car idle and remove both caps from the ports, and nothing happens, not even a hiccup. feel with my finger and not the slightest bit of vac.

is this bad? im sure its not normal. my guess is their clogged but im not sure how i would unclog them.

any tips on this weirdness?

turbo87targa;1310003 said:
Well that's the port I was/am using. I changed the way the hose was setup and it now works amazingly.

However I did readup a little on those 2 ports before I posted and saw in the tsrm that they only pull vac at anything other than idle so I held my throttle linkage open a bit and they still didn't pull any. I'm satisfied with the bov port now but just wanting to make sure there's nothing I should be worried about with those ports.

Interesting :sarcasm: