UTI: Universal Technical Institute


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
avondale pa
*james*;1434192 said:
I am enrolled for UTI in July of 2009. I was wondering if there was anyone attending the school, or has went through the program before? Any comments on the school would be cool too, I have heard some bad reviews but also some good reviews. All in all, sounds like a good school, they have everything there needed to be trained as a master tech and I will go in there hungry and take out as much as I can (not meaning stealing)! Also if there is anyone in the area of Avondale, west of Phoenix, maybe we could meet up sometime and show me around, let me know of any supra meets and stuff of that sort. Well, hope to hear some replys!

Just wanna make sure your talking about the avondale pa area and your mentioning the UTI in exton right?


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
avondale pa
Ignore my last post. I didnt read far enough in to see you were talking about the west coast. Over here in pa the UTI is pretty crappy. Although I have not gone there I go to another school in the same area who gets a lot of UTI students that transfer. I heard the school doesnt give you much shop time its all about the books there. I go to ATC automotive training center and we have an equal amount of time for both. In my opinion UTI doesnt look good but like I said have not gone there to really know.


New Member
Jul 7, 2009
You need to study on both ends for it to be good and most of thoes kids im sorry to say did no apply them selves as much as they should have. UTI is set up with have in a room and half in lab for all campus's not just here in norwood you do get an equal amount of time so im not sure what they are talking about by far it is the best decision i have ever made...Other then building my supra d[^_^]b\m/


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Yeah not sure where you heard that one, there is actually more lab time from what I have heard.. Class time is very important as well, how are you going to be a good mechanic without any book smarts to back you up? You have to get an understanding through studying the books too, your not going to know how to work on every single car in the shop either, you need to read manuals to figure things out too.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Like I've said before and as many other people have said, they leave the door open, you just have to walk through it. Meaning, you have to apply yourself, you have to really want to be in this business otherwise you ARE going to be wasting your time and money (most likely the kids you have heard from)!


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
avondale pa
Like I said I never went to UTI but its just what I heard. Im happy with ATC out here. Im deffinitly getting my moneys worth and learning a lot so Im happy.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Whatever works for you is good as long as your getting to do what you like! Is that a year long school like UTI and Wyotech or is it a 2 or 4 year college? I have never heard of it.


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
avondale pa
Im in a class that is 20 months. So far there is only 2 locations for the school which are both here in PA. Most the students are from the area here execpt for one I know moved down here from canada. Heres a link for the school. I know you probly wont attend but check it out.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
It sounds like a good school. Are there extra programs you can take? How many hours is it, 20 weeks doesn't sound very long at all..What program are you taking?


New Member
Jan 6, 2007
Orange county, CA
I graduated from UTI a few years back. I also graduated from Ford FACT, which makes UTI look like high school compared to college level learning. You'll learn all the basics at UTI, it's really up to you and your attitude on how much you'll take away from the school. I recommend the Ford FACT program to develop your training in diagnosis even if you don't ever plan to work for Ford it will give you a hughe edge over other graduates.
The automotive job market is very tough right now, I know guys that graduated there that are changing tires and not making any real money. Techs are being laid off left & right and mind you "some" are good techs.
I'm glad I went to the school but I wish I would of got a bachelors degree first, so I'm working on it now. I love working on cars, it's my passion but I don't want to be wrenching on cars for the rest of my life (at least customer cars ha ha ha).
I have a great resume now and I'm sure UTI has helped me get into a few doors. If you have any questions feel free to ask, sorry for such a long post...


New Member
Sep 7, 2008
avondale pa
*james*;1439000 said:
It sounds like a good school. Are there extra programs you can take? How many hours is it, 20 weeks doesn't sound very long at all..What program are you taking?

I think you meant 20 months. So far ive completed a heating and ac class, 2 electronics classes, steering and suspension class, engine repair class, engine performance class, and I just started my second machine shop class last thursday. They also offer a diesel course and collision but I didnt decide to do those. Maybe Ill add diesel later on. Ive also gotten my PA state inspection license and my certification to work on ac systems.


Mar 27, 2009
I didn't really read past page #1. I will say this, your views of the school will really depend on how you behave, and what your expectations are. If you fuck around, or give them the opportunity to do so, they will wring you out and leave you hanging. If you endure the occasional stupidity, and buckle down through the worthwhile classes- You'll like it.

My Experiences there? Well, lets just say that I'm still at odds with them. When I got in the wreck in the Poopra, my back and elbow ended up torn to pieces. I was in constant pain, and stuck on multiple high-strength pain killers and muscle relaxers. Living 40 minutes from the Glendale Heights "Chicago" Campus, it obviously wasn't wise for me to commute in my doped up state. I made it in a day after the accident, and explained in detail to the Education Managers what had happened, and the (then) current situation. They told me to go home, fax in the Accident Report, and take as much time off as I needed to get over my Injuries and off the Meds.

Well, I did as told. Upon my return, I was informed that I had a month long "Unexplained Absence", and had been suspended, pending expellation.

They told me I was misinformed by their own E.M's, and that I had to pay them $4k out of pocket to return. I informed them that this was "Utter horse-shit" and that I had absolutely no way to come up with that sort of cash. They replied "Try getting a credit card?"

I'm still fighting them to this day, with their charges now totaling $8k.

Keep this in mind. They are a Business, first and foremost. As such, if they have the opportunity to stick in in your rear for more money. Or if you stick out from the crowd too much, they will run with it.

On another note, remember that all of the regular curriculum is designed to cater to those with no technical knowledge, or experience. As such, half the classes are beyond redundant and boring to those that know their ass from a hole in the ground. Also, many of them (Such as under car) are so mind-bogglingly incomplete, it's absurd.

In the end, I'd suggest saving the $30k+ and apply a few hundred of it toward procuring ASE books off of Ebay. Study them, and go take the Certification tests.

Hope this post made any sense. I'm running on 5 hours of sleep over the last three days, and I think it is beginning to show.


Oct 11, 2007
Im currently going to UTI Avondale, i have been here over a year, and still have a bit left. Are you currently active at Avondale? Your first post says you are going to start July of 09, but that date has already passed so i am a little confused.

I have my thoughts about the school. but i could go on for hours. The school really does have its good aspects and its bad aspects, as does any school. There are many things that will annoy you once you get going in the program, the biggest one for me is how we are treated as students. UTI is trying to impose all the proper things on us, all the rules and good aspects a technician is supposed to have in the work environment, but they often take it too far, and really make everyone feel like children in a 1st grade class. In fact, my instructor now will ask students questions at random throughout the day, and if you raise your hand and get the question right, you get a jolly rancher. This is the kind of thing you are going to see over and over again from all staff personnel and most instructors. Before i go way off topic, if you have any questions, shoot, i have first hand experience, and i dont take little things that bug me and make them a huge deal, or take one thing that bugs me and associate it with the whole school, so i will give you honest insight rather than opinion. I know it is a lot of money, so you deserve to know everything you are getting into.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Yes sorry 20 months, that sounds better lol! But sounds like a good school, I would like to learn some machining, that I don't believe they include at UTI.
Well Donnie, that sounds like some bullshit on their part. My mother and I both specifically asked (due to my 94yr. old G-ma) if there is a good reason, or somehow need to take time off that they will not charge you for that time you are gone. You had a good enough reason to not be attending for that time, therefor keep fighting man and good luck with it! I would talk to the supervisor or whatever they have there. Good info, thanks!
Sweet someone attending Avondale! Sorry for the misunderstanding, I will be there next year, July of 2010. I have got a lot of info from my own research and from the rep that came to my house. I know they accept people with no experience so it will be boring for the first couple of weeks, learning how everything works and such. All of that kiddy stuff will get annoying, but like you, I don't make a big deal out of small things. There are good and bad things about every school, you just have to learn to accept it and move on. I chose UTI, because I believe I am ahead of my community colleges in their education and want to get into more technical stuff. I want to start learning about building engines, specs and clearances, finding the best parts to compliment each other, and all of that type of stuff. Also getting more experience in everything else as a whole car. From the sounds of it, you have already had experience going in, how much have you learned or benifitted from UTI? Thanks Cy, look forward to talking more with you. If your still there or in the area next year, then looking forward to meeting up sometime also.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
I'd like to hear more about the other options after the basic program as well. I'm signed up for the auto and a small deisel class. I know you have to be accepted into the advanced specific programs. Any more info on the Ford FACT program?


5psi...? haha
Dec 6, 2005
Tracy, CA
i would tell you to look into community colleges... some have programs with toyota, ford, chevy, ect...

i know 3 people who went to UTI, one had a fucked driving record and couldnt get a job at a dealership and ended up working on boats, and is no on unemployment... good 30k he spent huh?

another guy got in a dirtbike accident and fucked up his back and they basically kicked him out and kept his money... again a nice 30k spent huh?

oh and the other guy? hes working for his dad not doing office shit and has nothing to do with automotive, but no one really knows if he even finished school... again another waste of money.

there are a lot of schools out there, you really should try and stick into the regular college system, at least that way you can go to different colleges and your classes WILL transfer, unlike UTI's and any of those other private colleges.

and right now, im paying $26 a unit to learn, and to get your 2 year degree is 60 units...
honestly if your paying 30k, i would want to learn a lot more than what they teach.
and i looked into uti, wyotech, allll of them, im happy i never went.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Donnie;1439152 said:
In the end, I'd suggest saving the $30k+ and apply a few hundred of it toward procuring ASE books off of Ebay. Study them, and go take the Certification tests.

Agreed, my experience wasn't horrible in quite the same sence yours was but I was pretty put off early on when the teachers were preaching "facts" that were downright wrong. Telling me, owner of a turbocharged gasoline powered car, that it doesn't have a vacuum brake booster and creates no vacuum? Yea... shove it. I swear some of the idiots teaching there are only there as part of a fucking EOE effort by UTI.

It's way overpriced and designed for people who are too fucking retarded to get into a real school of any kind, and who can't tell chocolate pudding from shit. (Which... rightly targets many members on here) All this BS of "you get what you put in" is propaganda provided by UTI themselves to get lemming idiots to think they're fit for anything but a shade trees garage in "the hood".

My experience is coming from the PA campus you're speaking of James. I went in thinking like you, and quickly found all the nay-sayers are right on damn near every point when it comes to Urinary Tract Infection...


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
This is what I'm looking for, good and bad replys. I'll take all of this into consideration, as of now I'm already enrolled, so I'll try it out. If it is exactly like some of you say then I won't stay, and I won't pay the full tuition (when I say that I mean it)! Yes I agree that they might of screwed people out of money or education, things are different for everyone. In the big state of Iowa, let's just say there isn't shit for cars or anything having to do with them really, want make good money? I'm still in high school, taking auto collision as a extra corricular class getting DMACC credits. DMACC is supposedly one of the best community colleges we have here in Des Moines, I looked into their programs and find that I am learning the same things, if not more than the college kids are! Turns out, I have more credits than 50% of the freshman there. Really there isn't much I've heard from any other schools here that have a "good" program. I have looked Lincoln Tech, Wyotech, Community Colleges and I like UTI's classes and set up the most. It is true, what you put in, is what you get out of it. They have most if not everything there that shops would need to work on vehicles, even if the instructors are idiots, I'm going to go in there hungry and learn as much as I can. I know some of you will still disagree, but if the school really sucked as bad as some of you have made it sound, they wouldn't have campuses throughout the country, they wouldn't advertise as much or get hooked up with good advanced programs like they have and all of their sponsors. Of course not everyone is going to like the school or the instructors, you can't tell me that you liked ALL of your schools or teachers growing up. I guess I will find out myself when I attend.

Also, some people are more knowledgeable going into the school and you already know everything they have to teach, those guys should start in an Advanced Training place, not in a college or whatever you want to call this.


Mar 27, 2009
No problem bud.

Just as a heads up on the post-graduation employment figures, those are old and inaccurate. And even then, were grossly overstated. I can't remember the specifics right now, but I'll just say that I'm privy to the fact that many of those jobs procured had nothing to do with UTI....

I wasn't kidding on my suggestion for picking up the ASE books. Do it, take your test and get a job at a dealer. It doesn't matter if its just slinging LOF's. You'll absorb far more (accurate) information and technique just by watching and talking to the other Techs. Plus, Dealers typically promote from within. Apprentice within a year or two? Hell yes.

This reminds me.... I've been putting off taking a few ASEs for awhile now. lol.


New Member
Sep 11, 2009
Rochester ny
I wouldnt recoment that school to anyone. At least the newest exton PA campus. The teachers are clue less and the building is crap. There are half the needed parking spots. Yet the teachers parking lot is never more than half full. You get parking tickets and fines. The local cops target UTI students. Horrible experience. I left halfway through. They may say you are going to be accpeted by the manufaturer but my roomate went through all classes and was top of the class for ford fact. Ford doesnt want anything to do with her because she went to UTI. She works at lowes. Cant find a job anywhere. To anyone thinking of going there......DONT DO IT....Check out wyotech. Much better school.