!@#$ union bolt!!!


still learning
so i pulled my engine to replace a leaky heater union bolt on the back of the head (7m). so i get the motor out, stick on a socket, start turning and snap, breaks right above the banjo fitting... god !#$! mother!$#! !#$!@sucking piece of shit. :cry::cry: just thought id let make another rant thread and share some frustration... wish i had replaced it when i replaced my hg like i should have... ok now you can point and laugh :flamed:


still learning
ya got it out a few hours ago. my dad suggested putting a 1/2" extension inside (had to hammer it in) and using a breaker bar to turn it. and wouldnt you know almost as soon as we started pushing it turned. well he pushed and i would tap on the top to make sure the extension wouldnt try turning out and every time i tapped on the top it would turn little by little as he pushed/pulled. thanks for reading guys, maybe my lesson will help others.


boost'en down 101
Oct 27, 2007
humboldt, ca
i some how got 3 off in one day when i was looking for the best one when i did my hg. i guess all the owners of the motors i have didn't cheap out on 10 bucks for coolent. dam mk3 owners. lol.