Under Engine Cover - Ebay


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Figit090 said:
lol...wow. two people with almost identical posts.


sooooo...seeing as how people have thrown these suckers away, does anyone want to give me one? i'll pay shipping... :p

Yeah, same post, but thirty minutes apart. Sounds like only one original idea to me...............:dunno:


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
there was a thread about reproducing the undercover in metal at one point but it fizzled, lack of support overall. i have my engine undercover in the same place its been since i pretty much owned the car, in my garage. its just too hard to work around overall and when you drop things (sockets while doing the turbo oil return line for example...) its really easy to see why its a pain in the ass. now that the car is pretty much finished i may put it back on depending on how well everything works out.

i do think toyota put it there for a reason but after my first car ovreheated because the PO knocked the front loose on the cover and then duct taped it up in front of the crash support, blocking air from going into the rad.... id jsut as soon leave it off as put it back on


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
The undertray was designed to redirect more air through the intercooler and radiator, also to protect shit in the engine bay. I'll try to get one and see how hard it will be to replicate one of a similar design...


Nov 4, 2005
At one point in time, I was driving my car with the thermostat out (dont ask why, it was like a year ago). With it out it was easy to see how efficient the cooling system was. Without the undertray, the car would heat up faster at lower speeds and cool down at higher speeds.

With an undertray that I made (haha I one step ahead on the 'original' idea), at lower speeds the car would hardly warm up. It was not the same day, but the next day that was even hotter. In my mind, that is pretty good proof that it helps suck air through the rad and I/C.
If your turboed, just look through the grill and look at the gap in front of the I/C. Why would half the air flowing through the grill not want to deflect and go under the car? Idk, it just seems logical to me to have something there blocking it from going down.

I dont mind the few bolts it takes to get it off, because to me it is worth it.

BTW i made mine out of that galvanized sheet metal you can buy from Home Depot. Its a two piece but it is sealed well under the radiator.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
meh i like mine, yea it sucks when i drop a bolt and it lands on the cover, i just smack it from the bottom and it fly's out the side.

I dont see how it would make it hard to work on the car though?? unless im getting to my intercooler hoses or oil cooler its perfect. Pretty much a lower ic blockoff plate, if you have the upper block off plate but not the undertray whats the fuckin point????


Arrrrrr Matey
Apr 3, 2005
South Carolina
I didn't read half of this post. I took mine off about 4 years ago and never had a problem. I'm pretty sure I still have it somewhere..if anyone wants it I'll let it go for cheap, but realize shipping will probably cost more than it's worth. Just send me a PM if intersested. I'd rather someone else put it to use than it lay dormant forever though!


Supramania Contributor
The stock undertray does make a difference in cooling ability, especially on the stock radiator if your running mods that have your horsepower up near 400 at the rear wheels.

Your creating more heat than the stock setup was designed for, so you see it's limitations much faster. (Overheating on a hot day at 83mph, going uphill and having the AC on. Watch the temps rise as the stock radiator can't handle it, especially if the undercover is off.)

With it on there, much of the air that does get in through the grille's goes over the radiator like you would want it too. (Otherwise, it spills out under the car ahead of the FMIC, oil cooler and radiator, and only air pulled through the radiator by the fan is going to keep your car cool.)

Further pushing the issue is that most fan clutches on our old cars are pretty much shot.

Best setup would be a stock under air tray, upgraded radiator, FMIC and oil cooler setup with a good fan and fan clutch. Lastly, now many MK3's are running around with no fan shroud? Too many, and that's making your fans work less effective by a large margin.. another topic, but there is a reason that ducted fans, and for that matter jet engines work better than prop planes... Your literally throwing away air you could be using. And it's free air you just have to duct/shroud to take advantage of.

Key point is you want to create a low pressure area inside the engine bay that draws high pressure air through the grille, over the radiator/cond/coolers and then dump it out via the undersides of the car. (And why reverse vent hoods would be a good idea on our cars if designed right.)


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
ViR2 said:
Suprahero, I've red only first post lol before posting :D
Anyhow, those undercovers are very hard to find in one piece but i have faith in it

My bad, I can see that happening....................lol


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
ViR2 said:
Suprahero, I've red only first post lol before posting :D
Anyhow, those undercovers are very hard to find in one piece but i have faith in it

ahh, there we go.

it seems like people just dont like the nuiscance of getting on their backs and unbolting the covers. i could see it being a pain if the socket is stuck and you have a lowered car, but for me, i can fit most of my body under my car without jacks, therefore the only nuiscance in the process is laying down. :icon_bigg

i want one, but considering how that ebay one is 20 dollars just for shipping, i'm not sure that i want it that bad.... my car does fine w/out it and its cold where i live. i see heat fluxuations every now and then when im not moving anywhere, but not much, and its not an issue.... hopefully it never will be.

i have considered making a clear one out of plexiglass or now, maybe even sheet metal or a fiberglass sheet. i think i have a nice flat sheet of fiberglass i might try and pin up under there.

BUT i dont know exactly what its supposed to look like once bolted on...

does anyone have a picture they've taken of the guard while attached to the car? maybe even get one with the bolts highlighted in MSpaint? i know where a few are, if they arent hard to find then nevermind the highlighting...


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
I only found out that these existed about a week ago. My BHG supra does not have one. I am driving my fathers 89 now and about a week ago the front of this cover broke loose, It made so much noise draging on the ground I thought part of the engine fell off! I fixed it (with zip ties hehe) Unless it really does help cooling, Im not in a hurry to get one on my car. I suppose its also there to keep road debris from kicking up in the engine bay?


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
JMDigital said:
I only found out that these existed about a week ago. My BHG supra does not have one. I am driving my fathers 89 now and about a week ago the front of this cover broke loose, It made so much noise draging on the ground I thought part of the engine fell off! I fixed it (with zip ties hehe) Unless it really does help cooling, Im not in a hurry to get one on my car. I suppose its also there to keep road debris from kicking up in the engine bay?

it HAS to effect the cooling. where does the shroud bolt on, in front or in line with the radiator, or behind it?

without it there, any air that can follow a path with less resistance UNDER the car instead of through the rad.- its going to be diverted there unless something blocks it (the shroud).

of course, sufficient airflow goes through the radiator to cool the engine, but not what was intended from the factory.

if what i've seen in various places is correct, cars are tested in extreme testing environments to check limits and standards, and i'd almost bet that if you tested a supra to its designed limits without the shroud underneah and no fan shroud, it would overheat and croak.

but since in everyday life we are not stationary in a car-cooker, the passing air at sub-110 degree temps (mosty) is enough to do it along with our old fans. fan shroud or not.

i didnt think of this until now, but if the under engine cover is bolted on the front of the car starting in front of the radiator, maybe even to the front lip, then it also would aid in maximizing the efficiency of the fan's cooling power for the cars without fan shrouds, which seems to be all to common;

if the fan can pull air up from the ground BEHIND the radiator, thats some loss right there... with the shroud, it would be forced to pull the air through the grille of the car - and the radiator. the fan shroud magnifies the effect, and might completly void my point if the shroud completely surrounds the fan, i'd say but i've never seen one...:icon_conf

in my car, i have neither, so air is coming in and leaving everywhere...:nono:


Jul 23, 2005
Santa Clarita Ca.
I custom made one long time ago that was made out of 3/16 lexan glass and covering just the portion of the front end. I ran over something on the road when it broke off. I will be making one out off CF (Splitter) once I receive the sheet of CF from my distributor. This splitter is design for cooling and aero dynamic.



Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
splitter design? i'm not sure i get that.. are you going to have one made that diverts air up like a ram-air hood scoop into a carb?


btw, i like your car, and your avitar's f'ing huge. for a couple seconds i was trying to find the relevance to the thread other than its the correct car for the discussion... then i noticed the post/avitar splitter line.