U.S. Bill H.R. 6166 said:
Subchapter 1
Sec. 948c. Persons subject to military commissions
`Any alien unlawful enemy combatant is subject to trial by military commission under this chapter.
`Sec. 948d. Jurisdiction of military commissions
`(a) Jurisdiction- A military commission under this chapter shall have jurisdiction to try any offense made punishable by this chapter or the law of war when committed by an alien unlawful enemy combatant before, on, or after September 11, 2001.
Does anyone know who an alien unlawful enemy combatant would be? Alien would be a non-citizen, right?
The sad part is that this bill was the direct result of leftist politicians trying to apply the Geneva Conventions and U.S. rule of law to islamofascist terrorists. Last I checked, no islamofascists signed the Geneva accord. The excuse was that if we don't treat the jihadis according to Geneva, then they won't treat our soldiers according to Geneva. News Flash! They behead their prisoners, and will continue to do so regardless of how we treat prisoners!
So why would the Dems want to defend and extend the rights of citizens to these terrorists? To win back the house and senate and regain the power they had for 50 years. This crappy, unneccesary bill came into existence so that the " alien unlawful enemy combatants" held at Gitmo would be tried by military tribunal, not by jury trial. Why can't we try them by jury? Because then classified information used as evidence would be known to the jihadis back home and our intel efforts would be further damaged.
It all boils down to the fact that the Dems are far more concerned with hating Bush and getting their anti-war lunatics motivated to vote than they are about true fascists blowing themselves up in shopping malls or murdering innocent nuns.
And furthermore, if this is the first thing that worried you about the US govt. you must have not been in country when the Clinton Justice dept. headed by Janet Reno burned 86 US citizens alive including a dozen children at Waco Texas. There never was an apology for that incident.
Here's a little history lesson in case you forgot.
Or how about when the LOCAL govt. disarmed lawful citizens unconstitutionally in New Orleans after Katrina ? Did you raise a big fuss about that? Those 2 incidents alone scare me more than this bill does.
Coincidently, citizens who would participate in civil war would be classified as "lawful enemy combatants" and not subject to this bill.
So you say this bill is horrible and that the brownshirts will come goosestepping down the street to haul off citizens who did nothing wrong. Maybe so, but what is your solution? How would you try islamofascist jihadis? The Dems want them treated like US citizen criminals, which is the same way that Clinton treated them when they attacked the UN building in 93, and the USS Kohl, and Mogidishu, and the embassy bombings, etc. That approach worked marvelously, didn't it! What is your solution?