one - Yesterday the clutch was fine and gears went in nicely, and today it was very soft, first gear wouldnt go in easily, and reverse would not go in at all, all the other gears were tough. could it be the tension loosened? what is it?
two - i hear a really bad clanking sound coming from the rear end when i accelerate, and when i go in gear it vibrates and makes the clanking sounds sometimes while moving, in first gear the clanking is really noticable. what could this be the differential shitting on me? how much would this cost?
Fml.. :1zhelp:
two - i hear a really bad clanking sound coming from the rear end when i accelerate, and when i go in gear it vibrates and makes the clanking sounds sometimes while moving, in first gear the clanking is really noticable. what could this be the differential shitting on me? how much would this cost?
Fml.. :1zhelp: