two jobber? three jobber? with pole!


  • To

    Votes: 13 21.0%
  • Tree!

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Fore!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only one.........

    Votes: 45 72.6%

  • Total voters


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
Supracentral;903981 said:
One thing to watch your ass with is our lovely progressive tax system. You know the more you make, the higher percentage you pay...

Edit: I changed these to REAL dollar amounts so you can see I'm not making this up. This is not a worst case scenario. If you play with the numbers, the more "middle class" you are, the harder you get screwed. These are the real values based upon the 2006 Federal Tax Rate Schedules.

For example, you work one job, it pays $300 a week so they estimate that your $15,600 a year puts you in this tax bracket:

$755 plus 15% of the amount over 7,550.

so they take $37.75 a week out of that check. ($1207.50 + 755 / 52)

You work a second job for the same amount. The same $37.75 a week goes to uncle sam from that job.

Your combined salary ($31,200) however is however puts you in this tax bracket:

$4,220.00 plus 25% of the amount over 30,650

End of the year rolls around:

Job 1: $37.75 x 52 weeks = $1963 withholding held out of checks for job 1.
Job 2: $37.75 x 52 weeks = $1963 withholding held out of checks for job 2.

Total held out of your paychecks = $3926

However, when you do your taxes, due to your combined salary, you are in a higher tax bracket (you evil rich motherfucker you...). Total withholding should have been $4375.50

Guess what sparky? You owe the IRS a check for $449.50 on April 15th!

Lots of people trying very hard to work their way up get fucked like this every single year. folks...

Remember that the Bush tax cuts expire on Dec 31, 2009 - at that point, the amounts go up dramatically...

take a look at the colorado tabor laws tell me what you think.


Permanently Banned Scammer
Apr 14, 2007
clemmons, nc
wooooosh;905600 said:
I teach and then tutor after school. I Wish I could tutor full time, the company I tutor for pays $40 an hour.

the math teacher i had last spring, was a tutor part time. she said she made more per hr tutoring than the community college i went to paid her. thats crazy how that works. im all for more pay for our teachers.


Fastest mk3 GT4 1/4 mile!
Jan 7, 2006
Humboldt County
Supracentral;903981 said:
[lots of words]

Remember that the Bush tax cuts expire on Dec 31, 2009 - at that point, the amounts go up dramatically...

is there any way to avoid that, or does it pretty much happen to anyone who hits in the middle on their way up the payscale?


Supramania Contributor
Aug 23, 2006
Pensacola, Florida, United States
Ive worked three jobs at once while in college (summer went to three, 1-2 while in class). Beer pullups for the local beer distributor, dog bather and managed a movie about killed me but payed for my old supras mods, rent, etc. Damn cars and what we do for them!!

So happy to have gotten through college and landed a decent job that pays all the bills, benes, 401k and pension as well as spending money... Not that taxes get any better, but tax deductions help. Still wish i knew how to weld tho!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Figit090;906676 said:
is there any way to avoid that, or does it pretty much happen to anyone who hits in the middle on their way up the payscale?

Well in the long term you could pressure your representatives to pass the Fair Tax and do away with this entire oppressive system that penalizes success.

In the short term, you just have to claim zero dependents on the second job and maybe tell them to take an extra 5% of your salary every week as well.

Now some people are going to come in here and give you some speech about how every dime you get in a tax return is money you loaned to Uncle Sam interest free, and that you are stupid for doing it.

I used to agree with them. Until I dealt directly with the IRS.

After they seized my bank accounts, destroyed my business and almost destroyed my entire life, I changed that opinion. There are some things about the IRS you have to get through your head. It's extremely dangerous. More dangerous than you think.

Consider this:

  • Only the IRS can attach 100% of a tax debtor's wages and/or property.
  • Only the IRS can invade the privacy of a citizen without court process of any kind.
  • Only the IRS can seize property without a court order.
  • Only the IRS can force a citizen to try his case in a special court governed by the IRS.
  • Only the IRS can compel the production of documents, records,and other materials without a court case being in existence.
  • Only the IRS can with impunity publish the details of a citizens debt.
  • Only the IRS can force waiver of statute of limitations and other citizen's rights through the threat of Arbitrary assessment.
  • Only the IRS can take property on the basis of conjecture.
  • Only the IRS is free to maintain lists of citizen guilty of no crime for the purpose of harassing and monitoring them.
  • Only the IRS is exempt from portions of the Fair debt collection practices act.
  • Only the IRS considers bankrupting a business as the best way to collect on it's debt. (When assets are liquidated, The I.R.S. is the first to receive payment. And tax debts are exempt from debt forgiveness under the Bankruptcy laws.
  • The IRS can legally, without a court order, subject citizens to electronic surveillance. Although the Patriot Act granted this to other branches of government, the IRS has always done it.
  • The Tax court is regulated by a special branch of civil law which contrary to all western legal tradition denies the citizen not only his right to a jury but also his rights to appeal to a higher court of law. If he refuses to pay the amount assessed by the tax court he is hauled off to a criminal proceeding as refusal to pay is felony.
  • Odds are fairly good that any Tax Court Judge you will deal with is going to be a former employee of the I.R.S.

You scared yet? You god damned well should be.

Imagine this happens to you tomorrow:

You get up, you hop in the car and start driving to work. You stop at Starbucks and spend $3.40 of the $5.00 you have in your pocket. You don't realize how much you will regret this later. You stop to get some money from an ATM. The machine says "insufficient funds". You assume the ATM is broken and drive on. Around the corner from work, you try another ATM. Says the same thing. You check your balance and it comes back with a NEGATIVE $47,000 balance.

You think "Wow, that's fucked up, I'll call the bank when I get into work."

You show up at work, you do a few things but the bank thing is just driving you crazy, you're worried, so you call the bank. The people on the other end of the phone sound "uncomfortable"... Now you are really scared. They put you on hold. The manager gets on the phone and tells you that yes, the ATM was correct, the IRS has taken every single dime you had in the bank, you have no checking balance, you have no savings balance, since you had overdraft on your credit card, it's maxed out too and they seized that money as well. Oh, and by the way the IRS actually has dibs on the next $47,000 that goes into your account. The paycheck that was direct deposited into your account today? It's gone too.

You call the IRS. They tell you about a tax debt from NINE years ago that you can't understand. They tell you it was for dollar amounts you know you didn't even make back then. You tell them it's got to be a mistake. They tell you it isn't. You ask how the fuck can I owe you people $46,000+ in taxes when I made about $29,000 a year back then??!? They tell you to produce documents to support your claims. You've got no paperwork that old, you can't even remember where you worked or lived that long ago. They tell you they notified you of this. They read you an address that is 3 addresses ago. You've filed taxes since then, but amazingly they were sending everything to that old address. They say you never notified them with an official change of address form and since you didn't sign for the paperwork, you were listed as an "uncooperative" taxpayer and you "forced" them to do this to you!

You have $2.60 to your name. You can't buy food. You can't pay your house payment. You don't have enough gas in the car to even get back home. Your wages are garnished.

So you negotiate. You tell the IRS you'll pay whatever they want. It doesn't matter that the minimum they'll accept is keeping everything they already took, but they'll leave $200 so that you can eat and get home this week. You THANK them for it. It doesn't matter that they will be getting 25% of your take home. Thank them for that too. At least it's not 50%. At least the $200 lets you eat and get to work until the next paycheck. You accept it. You sign the paperwork because it gets you home tonight and it allows you to survive. Yes, you just destroyed your credit because you now have to default on your credit cards to survive. Yes, you just called the bank and told them to come get your car because you can't pay it anymore. Yes, the self run busniess you've been busting your ass on just went out of business because of this. Yes, you just liquidated your 401K so you could pay the mortgage for the next 3 months while you sell the house. But at least today you live, you have food, you keep your head above water.

From this point forward, you fight off bill collectors, radically change your lifestyle, give up a lot of the things you worked for. You lose your home, but at least you get somewhere else to live.

That's the IRS. That's what it can do to you. That story above is pretty scary to imagine. Now understand it isn't something I made up. I lived it.

Why did it happen to me? Because I have odd political views? Because my random number came up? Bad luck? Bad planning on my part? I don't know. It really doesn't matter why I was selected to be fucked over like this, it's the simple fact that you can be selected for this that is the problem.

I've recovered from it for the most part. The damage is still there. I'm still doing better than a whole lot of people. It will take quite few more years for it all to go away. I just work harder to make up for what I've lost.

So on top of the other taxes they seize from me, I pay these people a monthly check under a "repayment agreement". I don't feel the debt is valid. They came up with stuff from 9 years in the past when they came after me. (Forget the whole keep records for 7 years thing kids, the IRS can, as they told me "go back as far as the IRS wants"). I had no records that old. No way to "prove" my innocence, and with the IRS, you are guilty the moment they look at you. You prove them wrong, or they do what they want to you.

I pay it. I consider it an extortion payment to the most dangerous gangster thug I've ever dealt with. He's got a bigger gun that I'll ever have, and I can't fight him.

So I say give the son of a bitch the interest free loan if it increases the chance that he won't come fuck with you later.

And work to eliminate this fucking monster before it eats you.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Tax...its a reason why whenever i've had a job, i remove the money from the bank the day i get paid. They get 3% of my paycheck before it goes into the bank, bollocks to paying more tax on the rest of it. Just show them a balance for £0 and they cant do squat.


Canadian Bacon
Mar 16, 2007
SC, I got two sentances in and I knew it wasn't fiction dude.

The IRS can't touch me, thankfully... but whoever started up with the IRS was an evil, twisted son of a bitch, and should have been drug out into the street and shot.

As far as I've read and heard, it's not even affiliated with the government.


Pie + NYQuil = FTW
Apr 5, 2005
Edmonds, Wa
To skip over the whole SC thing..

I worked three jobs til recently... Now just two.
Olive garden from 11-4 tue-sat 1-10 sunday
then pizza hut 5-12 on mon, tue, thur, fri and 5-9 on wed
and a bar backing job on saturdays from 8pm to 3 am..

Since I meet girls @ the bar on saturdays and @ olive garden.. going out to the club or to the bar hasn't really crossed my mind in a while...

But i'm in serious debt.. partially from my divorce and partially from my own newfound freedom.