twins or go big


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
I just got a 1j and I cant decide if I want to go big yet. Its either the twins or my MP T70. Decisions, decisions...I will be like most of us piecing this together over time so no rush really. Any experience with the MP on a 1j?


use a small exh. housing if you go single

I dont see full boost till around 4k and I am running a 62-1 w/ .68 exh housing


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
cnewingham said:
use a small exh. housing if you go single

I dont see full boost till around 4k and I am running a 62-1 w/ .68 exh housing

Thats the size I have now, Ill have to see if anyone makes a smaller housing. How the driveablilty with that spool? Im big on the sprints through traffic.


Sep 29, 2006
Sydney, AU
slowsupratt said:
Boost is just a downshift away

rofl that's gold man... made me laugh over here :biglaugh: sig worthy right there.

On a serious note though, why did the Bugatti Veyron have 4 turbo's and not 1 big turbo (also doesn't ping...), yet it makes 1001hp all day every day and runs 407km/h?

Obviously displacement is very different but still... going by the general logic of what everyone does especially with 2j's going single for 'big power' what's stopping that from happening with twins....


Friend of Fast
Apr 14, 2006
Tacoma, WA
pish posh! if you want torque and low engine response go with a root supercharged v8 (or a 7m :) ). I'm going to get my car running with the twins for a while. Once I can save up some coin, I'll make the leap to a single (and I'm going to go 70+ mm's). My mp t70 spooled so fast on my 7m. Even though the 1j will spool a little later, I'll be revving to 8k rpm. With a 1j, you can afford a little later spool cause it revs to the moon. Trust me though, I'm speaking from experience. If you can't do it all COMPLETELY right, just stay with the stock turbo/turbos. I want to run a real hot twins set-up, and maybe break the 1/4 mile record first!


New Member
Aug 12, 2005
Columbia, S.C>
how long do the twins last? From this point I can keep the stock twins but then ill have to redo the piping (down pipe and turbo to intercooler pipe), or save up and go with the mp. My problem is the longevity of the twins, if they can last at least 1 year ill be okay. I know the time length depends alot on what the previous owner did and went, but my main concern is going through the hasle of getting the car over to the local exhaust shop to have my pipes run and then boom no more ct12.


New Member
Nov 29, 2007
Wake Forest

Does that turbo fall off in top end?? Thats seems like a small turbine housing for a inline 6. Do you have any graphs??


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
meet07 said:

Does that turbo fall off in top end?? Thats seems like a small turbine housing for a inline 6. Do you have any graphs??

Nope, pulls strong up to 7200 and drops a little (10 whp maybe) until 8000. I hit 527whp on race gas & borrowed injectors....
vas85 said:
rofl that's gold man... made me laugh over here :biglaugh: sig worthy right there.

On a serious note though, why did the Bugatti Veyron have 4 turbo's and not 1 big turbo (also doesn't ping...), yet it makes 1001hp all day every day and runs 407km/h?

Obviously displacement is very different but still... going by the general logic of what everyone does especially with 2j's going single for 'big power' what's stopping that from happening with twins....

Its all about packaging and costs. Twins are just more expensive when you go with turbo kits. You can get an awesome single kit for well about a grand or lower and a good twin kit from one of the big companies is going to be around 4-5 used. twins are so much fun and really awesome in so many ways, but due to packaging constraints, you just cant fit larger twins in our car, so twins seem to be limited to about 500rwhp or even lower. There are some good kits that can get a bit above that, but still much more expensive then single. It really depends on if you want to drive down a line or around corners, bit single will not work if you want to have fun on twisty roads, not enough control. I am guessing that you might get used to the single and be able to control it, but i dont think it would be anywhere as easy as a twin setup.
Good luck.

also, for the same reason the Veyron has put 4 turbos. You try to pipe an exhaust manifold for a 16 cylinder engine and big single. Not going to happen. It is due to packaging constraints that they go with a 4 turbo setup, one for every 4 cylinders. It works very well and makes the performance very smooth.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
vas85 said:
rofl that's gold man... made me laugh over here :biglaugh: sig worthy right there.

On a serious note though, why did the Bugatti Veyron have 4 turbo's and not 1 big turbo (also doesn't ping...), yet it makes 1001hp all day every day and runs 407km/h?

Obviously displacement is very different but still... going by the general logic of what everyone does especially with 2j's going single for 'big power' what's stopping that from happening with twins....

The Veyron isn't an inline configuration engine.


87 1JZ-GTE Single Turbo
May 25, 2005
Windsor, Ct
It's cheeper to make big power with a big single. I know if I had the money to do so, I'd go with two HKS T51R turbos and not just one (one is still expensive). Single is less expensive to put together and to maintain if something breaks. I think everyone who goes with big single turbos would rather spend the money for one really nice turbo setup instead the same money for a mediokre set of twins. Or they don't research it and just does what everyone else has done to make big power. Anyone who has upgraded twins probably researched what was better, but probably spent alot more money, or the twins they have aren't really big, and only produce 400+ hp (a quick spooling 400 hp). I personally think it's a cost thing. That's why I went with in big single. It was the cheaper way to make big power. I'm sure most of you guys here on Supramania realize money isn't the easiest thing to come by.
My bottom line... A really nice set of twins is the way to go. But it can be really expensive.


JZwhore of JAPAN
Nov 9, 2007
on the river
well heres my .02cents, but id rather have 400whp at say 4k with a set of twins, insted of having 600 at 6800 with a large single, cause, having more power down low in the power band you drive, and are more likly to be in more often, cause the way i see it, if your droping out of full boost everytime you shift then whats the point of having boost? but i dont know i guess thats just me. so twins in my mind are better over all...


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
My biggest mistake when doing my 1j swap was to not go single from the start. Now I'm starting a single turbo swap less than 4 months after the swap was completed. I thought my twins would last longer than 500 miles. Oh well, now I get to enjoy taking off the twins in the car.