Twin Turbo CT26 thoughts.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
On a 7MGTE, build 2 seperate 3 cylinder manifolds, to hold the twin CT26s away from each other (ala the 1jz twin style)

Remove the elbows, build a custom Y between them, using 2 of the BIC CT26 flanges.

Run the air intake, and pressurized side very much like the 1jz setup.

I'm wondering what you guys think of it. I only ask, because I've got a welder, I can get piping, I love to build shit, and hey - I have 3 good CT26s, and 1 blown one :D

I'm thinking if 1 stock ct26 maxes out around 300rwhp, 2 should theoretically do 600rwhp. You also get the benefit of better flowing exhaust setup, and the restrictive single CT26 exhaust side shouldn't be anywhere near as restrictive, when there are 2 of them ;)


BTW, this would be after I did a walbro 255, J tube removal, AFPR, and MAFT-Pro, running 12psi.


previously chris90na-t
Jun 11, 2005
Lakeland, FL
Probably would work but most likely lag real bad and not build a hole lot of boost.

The turbine side is probably too big for 1.5L's worth of motor to get a decent spool.

I could be wrong about this, but haven't really took the time to think about it.

If you have the means and the time. Go ahead and give it a shot.


New Member
Jun 29, 2005
it wouldnt have max boost at 600hp it would be the same hp wise around 16psi where it would start to peak out... the only benifit of twin turbo is reduction in lag... have you ever noticed that the big hp makers have single turbos.. having a single turbo is more efficent and makes more power you just have to deal with lag...

correct me if im wrong

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
the only benifit of twin turbo is reduction in lag...
No, packaging. On a V engine, two smaller turbos will probably come on line quicker than a bigger single through the piping.

You have half the exhaust gas driving each turbine when you go twin.

The turbine side is probably too big for 1.5L's worth of motor to get a decent spool.
Exactly right.


previously chris90na-t
Jun 11, 2005
Lakeland, FL
bigal0043 said:
it wouldnt have max boost at 600hp it would be the same hp wise around 16psi where it would start to peak out... the only benifit of twin turbo is reduction in lag... have you ever noticed that the big hp makers have single turbos.. having a single turbo is more efficent and makes more power you just have to deal with lag...

correct me if im wrong

Yes, you are right for the most part. The only thing that is only partically correct is the part of twins being for reduced lag. This is only true when it is set up in a twin sequential on smaller displacemint engines. Engines larger then about 3.5L can actually bennifit from true twins do to flow rates and compressor efficiencies. In most cases, big singles does not truely mean big horsepower, it just the simplicity that a large single offers.

On a 3.0L engine, twins can be a better package because you can make a lot of power and have great drivability also which the big single does not offer but you are 100% correct that you will not double the power for the same PSI. Yeah the power may go up a little depending on the compressor efficiency at that flowrate but not double.

The flowrate is controled by the engine size and pressure ratio regardless of the number of turbos that are used


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Yep, I was thinking since the exhaust side of our CT26 is pretty damn small anyway, they'd probably still spool up at least as well as a big ass T76 or so, depending on the exhaust A/R. :D

I'm mainly considering it, due to the fact I have so many good CT26s sitting around, taking up space. I may try it out, just for shits and giggles :D


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Allan, how so? I can see the elbows will have to be removed, and a custom Y fabricated, as well as the rear turbo being clocked 180 degrees... but I think it just might fit... I'll take a closer look tomorrow :)


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Use a couple 3SGTE CT26's
I'm sure a few MR2/Alltrac guys would be willing to trade turbos straight up with you as the 7M's CT26 is an upgrade to the 3SGTE's.

That's a better option as those turbines were designed to flow what a 2.0L has to offer for exhaust gases.

I'd do that if I were to do it at all, and just buy the OBX TT mani off ebay, put some CT flanges on it, but my vote is to have them both facing forward with twin downpipes.

With a complicated setup like this, it's not going to make a ton of power. Probably nowhere near what the time and energy is worth. But if you're not looking for maximum horsepower figures, I'd say that this is a unique setup, and I for one would love to see it. So, if you've got the means, the energy, and the knowledge, I'd say go for it.


previously chris90na-t
Jun 11, 2005
Lakeland, FL
Doward said:

The stock CT-26 is barely any bigger than a T3.

Lots of 1.5 and 1.6 hondas running T3s. (Talking about the turbine side)

Turbine wheel size is not nearly important as turbine A/R ratio.

Honda's like what you are talking about mostly use A/R ratio's in the area of .48 where I'll bet that the supra CT-26 in in the neighborhood of somewhere around .7_ or .8_ or so. Even the MR2 CT-26 has a smaller A/R ratio then the Supra CT-26 but uses the same size wheel

Like side before though, if you have the means and the time (and I'll add this), and are not going to be very dissapointed if the outcome is not what you are hoping for the go ahead and try it.


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
how about you find some alltrac or mr2 owners, and trade them some supra turbo's for some small ct26's for a hair better spool. Those turbo's spool by 2.5k rpm on a 2.0 liter ;)