Turbo Surge Question


New Member
May 10, 2005
Pembroke, NC
Hey you all.

Im having turbo Surge problems and Ive done pretty much everything that I can think of so any recommendation would be great....

GT4067r DBB Turbo
3 1/2" Piping from IC to Q45 throttle Body
2 1/2" from turbo to Intercooler

Problem: Doesnt matter how far I turn the Screw out on the BOV (can even take it out on top of the BOV) If I do a Short Boost Pull (anything above 8psi) I get that loud compressor surge. Does it should like the BOV isnt good enough to release all the Pressure all at one or is it something else? If this is the case, What BOV will do the Trick?

Thanks all, Last Issue of the month.



New Member
May 10, 2005
Pembroke, NC
I think they are but you can Defintiely tell its not coming from the BOV. Im running a FFIM and the BOV is located right by the Drivers Headlight area. You can tell its coming from the turbo Area. I dont mind the sound too much but I mind its not coming from the right area.


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Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
I know that my ssqv (knockoff edition, lol) surged badly whenever I revved the engine, even with the CT26. After some research, I found that there is a check valve that gets contaminated/leaks to cause the pull action to not happen if you don't run the filter HKS sends with it. Eventually I just modified the valve to be a normal pull style. It stays open at idle, but that's OK for me since I am running speed-density. Not so good for MAF systems.
That said, I am not surging even with my current 61mm at 19psi. I know it's not a direct comparison, but it might help you out!


New Member
May 10, 2005
Pembroke, NC
The BOV I have is new but I never got a Filter or anything like that.... If I do soft boost (7psi or Less) and let off the gas you can hear the air coming out of it pretty well but thats with the Screw turned all the way out. Any PSI higher than that will give me Surge through the turbo and it doesnt matter what Gear or PSI....

How did you Modify yours again, I want to try it and if it works great... If not then I will try the Tial.... Prefer to get this one to work since the flange is already welded and all....

So did you take yours apart and do something inside.

---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

Running Speed Density also via MAFT Pro so and Diagrams or Drawing would help me greatly....


What will we break today?
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 29, 2008
Coon Rapids, MN
Yes I did, but what I did is not easily undone. When you know how the SSQV is supposed to work, it's easy to find out why it doesn't.
Picture of ssqv: (You will want to load it up in another window to see what I talk about)

Background/how it works: The way this bov works is pressure differentials. Chamber A on the diagram is where the vacuum pipe connects to, and it is the active chamber. Chamber B is the one that causes the valve to open and close, but it does not have vacuum applied directly to it, rather is gets pressure and vacuum from a small valve inside. That valve is both a check valve and a bleeder orifice, so the BOV closes after the pressures have equalized. It allows pressure to flow freely into chamber B, but restricts flow back into chamber A so the valve will open quickly and close slowly. Chamber C is where the boost lives, and when boost exists, it helps force the valve shut, resulting in a leak-free bov.
Diagram 1 is the BOV at rest, and rest can be either under boost or at idle. The check valve/bleeder has allowed chambers A and B to equalize in pressure so the spring is the only thing acting on the valve (boost also helps keep it closed). Diagram 2 is the beginning of a throttle lift, and it illustrated how the sequential part of the valve works, see as the smaller valve section is opening- relieving boost, and diagram 3 is after the valve has completely opened. As the pressure equalizes in chamber A and B (through the check valve orifice), the valve will begin to close.

Here's what I had happen. When I revved my engine, the turbo would make airflow, but when I released the throttle, the BOV would not do anything. Not open or move, nothing and surge was the result every time. I pulled the BOV apart and checked out all the moving parts, but everything moved correctly. When I went to test the check valve, I found that it passed air both directions easily. That was my problem- the check valve portion had failed. To counter-act this I circumvented the auto-close feature of the BOV since I expected the BOV to be throw away anyways.
What I did was drill a small (1/8-3/16") hole in the BOV body between chambers C and B, connecting them ( I drilled right below the shaft). What this did was to put pressure (atmospheric or boost) on the opening side of the diaphragm so when chamber A got vacuum, it would open every time and stay open until the vacuum went away. Another thing I had to do was cap off the hole drilled into the valve shaft, where the check valve would have been. All I did for that was get an M5 (can't remember pitch) acorn nut -closed top- to shut that passageway.
After all this what I got was a BOV that stays open all the time when at idle or when manifold pressure is negative. But when I go WOT and manifold pressure drops to 0 or goes positive, the valve shuts tight. The funny thing is that both of my turbos (CT26 and Comp 61mm) have air flowing out of the BOV at idle so I'm not so worried about sucking contamination into the system since the flow is always going out!

A lot of people might flame me for this, but I got my BOV for $10 and it does a better job than most other BOV's I have seen. And by "it's job", I mean keeping the compressor from surging. It even sounds cool as an added bonus!


Uchiha Member
May 5, 2008
Miami, Florida, United States
Make sure it's not a Vac. Hose encloseing on itself! i thought mine bov was broken, so i went and bought a Greddy for $250 and did not solve my problem. I have a ct-26 with a Turbo XS {currently}.. The BOV would never Blow off only at small Boost levels. All cuz of a Vac. Hose encloseing on itself under boost its that 90* looking hose coming from the front side of the Intake manifold