Wiisass;1135354 said:
Moving the top of the shock won't give you that much more room. You would need to look at moving the bottom mounting point if you really wanted to get more room back there.
I assume you mean move it inward...it occured to me too, but I'm concerned about finding a shock that would stand up to the increased leverage.
Wiisass;1135354 said:
And let me get this straight, you want to tub the rear and move suspension points and throw together something custom, but you don't want to roll the fenders? That makes absolutely no sense and that is really dumb. It would be a lot cheaper and easier to modify the fender to get a little more room than it would be to modify all of the suspension. And if you don't get the fender perfect, it won't make the car handle like crap, you can't say the same about not getting the suspension right.
That's right, I dont want to roll the fenders, it defeats the look I'm trying to get, how's that dumb?
As I said, I'm looking for a mini tub effect and haven't decided how I'm going to approach it. The point of this thread is to get some different ideas on how to accomplish it. Moving suspension parts is just one possible way. Obviously, that's a complex task, one I wouldn't really look forward to.
As I also stated, I'd like to keep it as simple as possible. But wide body or even rolling the fenders is out...besides, everybody and their mother has rolled their fenders to get a little bigger tire in there.
Wiisass;1135354 said:
And do you really need a 13.5" wide tire? Or do you just think that's the coolest tire you can think of? Or is this like a way down the road idea? I don't really follow many people's builds, so I don't know what you have or what you're building, just curious if a 13.5" tire would really be needed. There's no point in doing all this work if you don't need to.
Do I need a 13.5 inch tire? No.
Is it the coolest tire I can think of? Well...now that you mention it...
it would be pretty cool if you could get it all inside the fenderwell, and not have to butcher the car.
Coolest? I'm not sure what you mean.
Wiisass;1135354 said:
So why don't you figure out how much you can fit under there without cutting everything apart first before going too far with it. Then you will know if you need 1/2" or 2" and where.
Yeah, I agree, and said so in my last post. Did you read my last post?
How much I need is definitely the question...where I need it is easy, I need to make clearance inside, that's why I'm running into clearance problems.
Now be helpful...or I'll have to drive to your house and kick your scrawny ass.:icon_razz