TPS Sensor: Year interchangable?


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
The ground (E2) is OK. IDL is screwy though. I might be overlooking something so until I can verify things forget about it for now. Get one of the TPS checked out and we'll go from there. You're going to need one no matter what.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
man. sorry i havent responded to this thread. i did the tests the day after the last reply, then stuck the results in my car where i couldn't find them untill i cleaned out my car..and also part of being lazy..and also part of thinking somehow it fixed itself but probably not.
okay. so.
i did the tests on the TPSs i had. i did it on one i found that i had laying around, and then took the one off my car and tested that too.

TPS laying around:A TPS that was on the car: B
Resistance of top two leads: A: 6.24kΩ B: 5.17kΩ
All the way clockwise: A: .76kΩ B: .57kΩ
"Slowly release lever back to 6 o'clock and measure": A and B same as i started
7 o'clock: A: 4.40kΩ B: 4.18kΩ

when i put the tps back on the car i decided to clear the codes just to see if maybe somehow i wouldn't have the code. i hook it up, jump for diag, key on...constant blink. it would always show the code immediately and code. i move the tps slightly both ways to see if i get code 51 and yes it does appear. i move it back to its original position where i have a constant blink. i drove around a little bit and checked it in a couple days and the code has yet to come up. weird?


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
None of that makes sense and the ECU shouldn't accept those values as valid. It sounds as if both TPS were oriented wrong when measured, the wrong pins were probed, or the meter was interpreted incorrectly. Moot points though, since everything seems to be working.


7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
jetjock said:
place on a table with the connector facing left and the TB part with the little lever facing up at you. Look at the lever. It should be straight up and down. Call the bottom part 6 o'clock.

Measure the resistance on the upper two pins of the TPS.
so i'm about to do these tests on my tps' the two pins i should be checking i assume are vta & vc?
i've verified that my code 51 is irrelevant (car was in reverse lol) but i still have 41... the tps is currently not on the throttle body but i would assume this would not matter.
One thing i did find amusing is that it complains of an open or short circuit in vta when i have the tps plugged in but when i don't have a tps plugged in at all (i.e all wires are now open circuit) code 41 goes away lol (maybe i just have my understanding of it messed up)
when i jumped idl and e2 51 remained (car in reverse)

so once i've had confirmation of vta & vc i'll be good to go, one other quick Q tho, you say the levers should be straight up and down, i'm not sure about there but here we have 2 different types of tps.. one will face -- the other will be | so one is 12 clock/6 clock other is 3 clock/9 clock

i should be able to still use the same theory, i'll just have to remember the clock for each LOL

thanks for any help :) :)

oh yea, all testing is done without car running as.... it don't go lol