Wow, totally cool that others like Blade Runner too.
#1. Blade Runner. (Rocks, and it's dang funny if you've seen it a few times... "Do you have your precious photos?")
#2. Princess Bride. Ok, so I do not think that word means what you think it means, unless I'm wrong, and I'm never wrong, especially when I'm left handed...Just watch out for the ROUS's... and true love.
#3. Ronin. Just about the best car chase movie ever, and they used the best sedan ever, the S8. Besides, where else can you get ambushed with a cup of coffee? But we never did find out what color the boat house was...
#4. Red Dawn. Just generally kicked ass, especially when they shot that traitor with the bug in his gut. Classic 80's flick, but really they did a crappy job on the Hind helicopters.. Dang they are cheesy.
#5. Meaning of life. Monty Python.. Every sperm is sacred, and don't you forget it! (Especially when your spinning around at thousands of miles per hour...)
#6. Ferris Buller's Day off... Oh Ferris Buller, your my hero.... now give daddy a kiss...
#7. Sixteen Candles... Automobile? AUTOMOBILE??? Rrrrr... scheeech... BOOM! Nothing like Long Duck Dong's driving eh?
#8. Breakfast Club...I'm a walrus...
#9. Any Star Wars move... Luke, I'm your father.. It's your destiny (and for heaven's sake, stop french kissing your sister, it's grossing me out... )
#10. Any Star Trek move. We are the Borg, resistance is futile... You will be assimilated.. Make it so, and who can possibly forget... KHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!! (take a breath there kirk, your turning red man.)
#11. Any Star Gate. Chevron seven, locked... (now we are going places.)
#12. Indiana Jones movies... Dr. Jones... we named the dog Indiana...
#13. Bourne movies.... who is Jason, and why did they kill Marie? Weird.
#14. Harry Potter movies... I guess fame isn't everything...
And #15, Strange Brew! Take off you hoser! No, like, get out eh!