Took apart pre89 JDM motor w/o oil squirters PICS


T-virus infected
As some of you know I pulled my motor to do the MHG job. Well since its all apart i decided to do more. I pulled the head off of it last night along with the pistons and rods... I look for the oil squirters and do not see them. I was going to make a thread last night but found out someone else just made one on SF's... I dunno if i should keep this block although nothing was wrong with the way the car was running before i pulled it. I plan to build it good for 400-500hp with arp bottom end, new bearings, Oil pump, Shot peened rods, and ross pistons... I dunno if i should keep this block because oil squirters do seem like a good idea... here are some pics! :nono:








Nasty #6 :aigo:

All the cylinders pretty much look like this...


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
hmmmmm well do you know the history of that motor? some guy in japan might have turbo'ed an NA block?

added a second knock sensor, drilled and tapped a hole for the turbo oil feed etc etc.

is the hole inbetween your two knock sensors drilled and tapped for a knock sensor?

i couldnt imagine any body going through all that trouble though...

for the record my JDM 89+ motor has oil squirters.


Supramania Contributor
You don't need the squirters, and your going to have more oil pressure as a result. Make sure you replace the oil pump with a TURBO one. They are taller than the NA pump. (That is one good way to tell if your motor was a NA that had been converted over to Turbo.) The pump gears are shorter on the NA pump. Housing is the same size, only shorter.

I say, get the turbo oil pump, shim the pump bypass with one nut, then also shim the cooler bypass with the same size nut, and put some new rod bearings in there. Also check your middle main's, but I would not pull the front and rear unless you want to replace the seals while your at it. (Not a bad idea actually)

Those pistons are fine. I'd clean them up, coat them and put them back into place. Make sure you don't mix up the rings. And make sure the pistons go back into the right bores too. (Replace the bearings with Toyota ones, use the numbers on the back of the bearings.)

Strange that those are Turbo pistons, in a NA block.

I've also found all the holes are tapped on all the blocks. (Just like the bolt hole next to the oil drain back on the left side of the block. That was where the old distributor went, and that hole that is drilled out and tapped was for the hold down bolt.) If you look at your oil pump drive shaft, it has the metal there for the distributor gear to be cut out, and the fuel pump location to have a cam lobe machined into it as well. On the 7MGTE engine, the fuel pump just get's a block off plate *J tube* and an oil return pipe pressed into place.

You should try some coatings on your stock used pistons. I'd bet they would hold up to boost better, and it negates the need for your oil squirters. (Do three coatings. Thermal dispersant on the underside, thermal barrier on top and molydisulfied on the skirts.) No need for any machine work at all. (If you replace the rings, you will have to pass a hone in the bores a few times to give them some tooth to seat the rings.)

Nice pics.


Lifetime Ban
Mar 31, 2005
Murfreesboro, TN
Adjuster, what do you think about high rpm ( LOL ) through the gears driving hard.......driving? On the pistons w/o oil squirters.......

That would kind of scare me...if I didnt have forged pistons....

You HAVE to have some type of way to cool the pistons down :icon_conf



T-virus infected
Thanks Adjuster very informative! Yea it is a wierd block i must say. i plan on running Ross pistons, new bearings, oil pump, and a few more things. Your right the pistons a great all they need is a cleaning up! I might try to save my old usdm block and possibly just rebuild this one for a back up motor over time... who knows


Supramania Contributor
Well, the stock rods have "oil squirters" built into them. (The small holes drilled in the rods.)

IIRC, that sprays directly on the bore/piston thrust area. (Most wear occurs on this one side of the piston.)

The other squirters will cool the undersides of the pistons better, but really unless your going for a 700hp engine, should not become an issue. (And the coatings might cover your themal control needs in that case.)

True having both is the best, but there are many high HP 7M's with no squirters out there. (Some built that way on purpose to have higher oil pressure.)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
siman said:
want reliablitly....use squirters.

LOL, im reading and all i get out of this is pre 89s are NAs T'ed and that if you want it to be reliable, make sure it has squirters. :biglaugh:


Supramania Contributor
Like I said, there a few very high HP 7M's out there built on NA blocks to avoid the oil squirters lost pressure. (To keep it at the bearings where you really need it.)

Think about how much oil is being whipped around inside of the engine at any kind of engine speed? There is plenty of oil, especially if your using stock rods with the squirters drilled into them as well....

No need for the squirters, but they are "nice" to have if your running hard, for long periods of time. (Say over 20 seconds at high boost, it might be needed.) BTW< high boost, and 20 seconds is like 160mph.. for any engine that might need the extra cooling on the undersides of the pistons.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Justin727 said:
hmmm. the non nato tsrm shows to have them for the pre89 for some reason.

The non-NA EPC on the CygnusX1 website is for Europe, not Japan.

In Japan the Supra didn't even come with the 7M-GE, ever. Only 86 models didn't have the squirters in Japan though, even though it seems from Suze's information that New Zealand didn't get them at all until 89 models.

All 87+ 7M-GTE's from Japan and USA/Canada should have the squirters, 86 Japanese 7M-GTE's won't have them, and of course, we didn't have Turbo 86's, so we won't have any 86 USA/Canada 7M-GTE's.

I think I posted in the SF copy of this thread when it was posted, not sure anymore, heh.