To targa or not to targa?


It never ends...
Oct 27, 2005
B.C. Canada
It's clearly a matter of personal preffrence.

I've had a 91T w/ power sunrrof, 89T w/ Targa and now a 89T w/ Hardtop which I'm currently driving.

They all have their benefeits. All in all, I'd say the pro's and con's of each roof type balance out about the same.

- Kev


In need of more traction
Jul 18, 2006
For me, the Supra will remain a street car and that's why I wanted a targa instead of a hardtop. I wanted something I can enjoy while cruising, and really enjoy when going WOT. Yes, I want lots of power, good handling, etc., but it would be fine if I never took it to the drag strip or an AutoX. Plus, I've done the hardtop thing, so I wanted something different.


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
If I were you I'd buy the targa and drive it for a few months and see how you like it.... if you don't use the targa as much as you thought and the car disapoints you, then just sell it. Simple ;)


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
i drove with my targa off EVERY DAY during the spring/summer/and autum when it was nice out. Easy way for you lazy folk. Is when you park only screw down 1 bolt so no one can take ur top off. Flip the vixors so you can remember your targa is loose. Then just unscrew it and put it in the trunk. TARGA FTMFW!

I had a hard top
and i now have 2 targas. I wouldn't trade them for any hard top. I've got what they have plus the option to take the top off! :)


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I've got a hardtop and love the way it handles compared to my cousin's targa. Then again, I like the look of the soup w/out a top on it and the extra engine noise and the feeling of openness. Bad part is the handling of the car without the top on. It's a love/hate thing when it's comes to the ht and targa. If I wanna drive around and enjoy a nice warm sunny day, I'll drive my cousin's targa. If I wanna race, it's the hardtop.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
the WeezlWings are hotness, if you're getting a targa and want it braced. youre gonna have to do some serious something-or-other if you want one though, cause theyre impossible to come by.

never driven a targa, only my hardtop. so i have to say i want a targa, too.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
my bro has a hardtop, i have a targa. ive driven both long distances on a good sunyn day and man oh man is it cool and the emotions you get when you drive w/o the targa on! man i lvoe my targa and will never get a car w/o one. even if it has to be custom ;)

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
I put the targa top on Celeste when she goes in the shed each fall and take it off when she comes out in spring. Parked in the garage when it's nasty out, I put the top on when I wash her and when i'm out looking for a race. The way I see it, if I wanted a full out race car I wouldn't have bought one with power everything and air conditioning. If I ever do buy a hardtop it will be a stripped down, light race car. Until then, targa all the way!
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Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
TaSe said:
i drove with my targa off EVERY DAY during the spring/summer/and autum when it was nice out. Easy way for you lazy folk. Is when you park only screw down 1 bolt so no one can take ur top off. Flip the vixors so you can remember your targa is loose. Then just unscrew it and put it in the trunk. TARGA FTMFW!

I had a hard top
and i now have 2 targas. I wouldn't trade them for any hard top. I've got what they have plus the option to take the top off! :)

Instead of leaving visors down, I leave my targa tool in my seat. Gotta pick it up to sit down.

I love mine! Here's another advantage (imagined).........When doing work inside my Supra, I like the top to be off. This gives me less of a cramped feeling in there. I know I don't use the extra space, but it is a little more comfortable that way.


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
I LOVE having the targa...

Living near the beach, with summer on the way... I wouldn't have it ANY other way!!!!!

Plus, mine had all new seals when I bought it... so NO LEAKS!!!!!!!! :)

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
I :love: My Hardtop. :D

Sure, being able to pop it off on a Sunny, 90 degree day is nice...but I'd much rather sacrafice not having a targa for not having to worry about chassis flex, less weight, and...given the seals are 18+ years old, probably leaks a tad.

I wouldn't hassle with swapping to a targa...
Besides, All my good ol' Supra buddies around here ALL have TT's...
Also, in America, I love how when someone is selling a Targa Top Supra, they put, "Rare removable top!" :runaway:



New Member
Apr 10, 2006
New Zealand
it definatly sounds like a personal prefrence thing...but i do forsurely want a targa, just gotta find one now and that surely isnt the easiest
i wanna live in amercia where manuals and targas are plentiful! stuipd new zealand with its hardtop autos.

is the targa flex really noticable? the car is raced resonbly regularly thats all

but the summer and the targa ahhh the situation!

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Blackmk3 said:
it definatly sounds like a personal prefrence thing...but i do forsurely want a targa, just gotta find one now and that surely isnt the easiest
i wanna live in amercia where manuals and targas are plentiful! stuipd new zealand with its hardtop autos.

is the targa flex really noticable? the car is raced resonbly regularly thats all

but the summer and the targa ahhh the situation!

1. What's wrong with an Auto?
2. I have an Automatic Hardtop...You got beef? ;)

Yeah. Everywhere I go, everytime I see, it's always a 5 speed Targa Top around here...

Yes, Chassis Flex is very noticable. Feels like the rear end of the car wants to like...go the other way...:icon_conf Really weird.