I have a 1J FFIM I'll be using on my 7M as soon as I have some last minute welding and polishing done. I just now realized that it wasn't provisioned for the 7M ISCV; and one from a 1J with a plug is a little hard to come by. What kind of problems can I expect if I decide to just put a block-off plate on. Rough idle?
Would it be worth the hassle to have someone fabricate an adapter plate to use the 7M ISCV in place of the 1J ISVC? If so, can anyone forward me to a place that could fabricate such a thing? Does a pre-made option already exist?
Would it be worth the hassle to have someone fabricate an adapter plate to use the 7M ISCV in place of the 1J ISVC? If so, can anyone forward me to a place that could fabricate such a thing? Does a pre-made option already exist?