Well, so yesterday I removed my good running engine to replace the blown transmission, today I got my engine stand back so I decided to pull the trans off and put the motor on the stand as Im going to reseal the oil pan.. So as Im removing the two top bell-housing bolts I notice that there is an abnormal piece of metal sticking out of the back of my engine between the head gasket and the block.. So I went inside and looked at pics of when I did the head gasket to see exactly what it was..
Anyways, Here are some pics of what im talking about, I have circled it in Red.. Now the question is, do i remove the head and replace with a new gasket or just leave it.. hmm :nono: Im not sure if it blew out or happened when I installed it 13,360 miles ago..
Anyways, Here are some pics of what im talking about, I have circled it in Red.. Now the question is, do i remove the head and replace with a new gasket or just leave it.. hmm :nono: Im not sure if it blew out or happened when I installed it 13,360 miles ago..