To lambo doors or Not to lambo doors?


The Lurker
Sep 16, 2007
Kalkaska, MI
SupraMaster;1013934 said:
I had lambo doors on mine. The biggest pain in my @$$ right now is the fact that it twisted my door, slightly. Now I have an issue with the vanity lights being on when the door is closed.

I'm a sucker for the "Dihedral Synchro-Helix" doors.


Ever see what the hinges for those doors look like? Here's a picture of Koenigsegg hinges that a guy took while on a factory tour. They are crazy looking and huge!


Here is what he said about them...
"Final picture shows the complex door hinge. The gears create an outward and rotational motion and that’s exactly what the door does when it’s bolted on and opened. It’s all spring loaded and damped and assisted, so it looks and feels effortless."

And one installed on the car...


Also, here's a pic of a hinge before the final assembly and paint.


Lots of cool pics of a Koenigsegg here, for anyone interested.


Back on topic, I'd like to see some pics taken during the install process. Not that I'd ever do this to my own car, (not my taste at all); but I'd like to see how much work a "bolt on" kit like that really is.

Dylan JZ

一番 King
Oct 18, 2007
GrimJack;1014474 said:
Well, in his defense, Mk4's have been converted to gullwings before, so it's at least in the realm of possibility.

well if i was an elitist c.s. with a lot of money I'd have much more than that Grim haha.


New Member
Jan 9, 2007
North Texas
that just screams ricer. Lambo doors need to stay on lambos. Gullwing doors need to stay on Deloreans and old school MBenz. Invent something different. Call it 'Supra doors' or something.


Garage Queen VV
Apr 4, 2005
Toronto, ON
HommerSimpson;1014832 said:
No need to defend me.. Anything can be done to a just have to have the want and will and tools... and the most inportaint.. a OPEN MIND...

sure but when labour on a job outvalues the entire car, It's very unlikely anyone attempts it, especially for something like doors. I never said it couldn't be done.


Pure Street Racing
Mar 24, 2008
deabionni;1015331 said:

Ever see what the hinges for those doors look like? Here's a picture of Koenigsegg hinges that a guy took while on a factory tour. They are crazy looking and huge!


Here is what he said about them...
"Final picture shows the complex door hinge. The gears create an outward and rotational motion and that’s exactly what the door does when it’s bolted on and opened. It’s all spring loaded and damped and assisted, so it looks and feels effortless."

And one installed on the car...


Also, here's a pic of a hinge before the final assembly and paint.


Lots of cool pics of a Koenigsegg here, for anyone interested.


Back on topic, I'd like to see some pics taken during the install process. Not that I'd ever do this to my own car, (not my taste at all); but I'd like to see how much work a "bolt on" kit like that really is.

I have seen the other 2 pictures. I must applaud you on finding the picture with everything mounted on the car though, it is very informative.

Making this is most definitely not outside the realm of possibility.

As far as the other comment about making a kit and calling them "supra doors", it's a little late for that. We couldn't coin the phrase for the simple fact that there was nothing special about our doors from the factory.

The only other way that I see about approaching such an issue as making a unique door mechanism is to get group input from the resident know-hows. If we were to make a unique kit for our cars, it would have to be something no one has ever seen, just like Koenigsegg has done.

Quite honestly, I am out of ideas right now. Something that doesn't look like @$$ on our cars, yet still provides the structural integrity that the door was designed to have from the factory, or better.

Any input is welcome as far as I'm concerned.