so i found it easer to remove all the bolts from the stock y pipe and the removed bolts from front turbos exhaust bolts (three of them) then removed two bolts from the oil hook up pipe. i then grinded down the y pipe so i could get to the back bolt since its so tucked away, the dremal worked the best out of the grinder, use a reinforced cutting wheel. then remove that bolt now you can get to it without removing the rear turbo
i then went to the parts store kragen and picked up two things,( a E8 and E10 torx socket) to remove the three studs from the exhaust to turbo and the studs from the oil pipe line to the turbo. the front turbo then slides right out. i pt a few pics up just to show were i grinded and how i realy did'nt even have to remove the front turbo, just slid it forward.

im glad i chose to do the job because there was a realy good exhaust leak from around the y pipe on rear turbo
thanks for all the advice and help from everyone

im glad i chose to do the job because there was a realy good exhaust leak from around the y pipe on rear turbo
thanks for all the advice and help from everyone