tips and tricks to try if your car is overheating

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7M POWAH! ;)
Mar 30, 2005
Auckland, New Zealand
If your car is overheating it can be due to many things

When people hear 7mgte... they immediately think they have a blown head gasket.. this is not always the case

it's a good idea to run through a few other things before you think the worst

overheating generally only happens when stopped in traffic, on the highway the temp comes back down but here's a few things to check anyhow :)

check your water pump
your viscous fan
make sure your thermostat is opening properly (if in doubt, just buy another one they're only $15odd nzd)
make sure your radiator isn't blocked
check for any split hoses
check for any water leaks
your heater core might have air bubbles in it so you need to burp your cooling system (best way i found is jack her up so the radiator is at the highest point... make sure the engine is warm at this point and start her, get the hose or bottles of water and start topping her up... she might bubble a bit while air locks are being cleared, once the bubbles stop cap her up and set her back on the ground)

if none of this has solved your problem get a "TK head check" and check for exhaust gasses in the cooling system... if the blue liquid changes to a greeny colour then it's possible there's exhaust gasses in the water, if it turns yellow there's a definite sign you have exhaust gasses ( i think thats the right colours... it will say so on the instructions anyhow )
if it does confirm exhaust gasses in your water you have absolutely blown your head gasket so get ready to pay out :p

also check your oil, make sure it's not discoloured at all.. milky or chocolate milkshake... if this is the case... you have blown your head gasket or you may have a crack in the block or head... you need to strip her down and get the engine reconditioner to check this for you... usually you can tell by looking at the head gasket.. if the head gasket has definite signs of blowing between galleries usually you don't need to worry bout cracks but you still need to get it all checked.... last thing you want is to buy all the parts, slap her together only to have it happen again

well that's all i have to add for now.... anyone else like to add :)


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I don't mean to sound like an idiot as i am not exactly Mr. Mechanic... but cant you usually tell what kind of problem you are experiencing by the manor in which your car overheats? (such as sudden temp spiking... or even the temp gauge just acting with the throttle)


A block tester is a very usefull tool to keep around as a mk3 owner. Especially if you have the crappy luck that i do :)

You can pick them up at autostores like napa... Also most of your local mechanics should have one on hand. With the block tester you start the car with the radiator cap off, fill the tester(looks kinda like a turkey baster) to the indicated line with the blue solution provided. Try not to suck up any rad fluid once you place the block tester in the radiator... Pump the tester a few times... If the solution turns yellow... You are officially a member of the blown headgasket club.(well... could be a cracked head among other things... but either way you are pulling her apart)

Really as stated above there are so many things that can cause your car to overheat... With a block tester though you can immediately rule the headgasket in or out. It's a nice piece of mind to have.

edit: if you think you have a bhg check this thread out...


Lifetaker, heartbreaker.
Mar 30, 2005
South Jersey
thanks for the post. my car is experiencing the problem you listed (overheating @ idle)

let me try finding out what's wrong with it.

check for any split hoses
check for any water leaks

what does that have to do with overheating @ idle?


Apr 2, 2005
Bristol VA
also to note, if you do start to over heat, and your sure there is no leakage of water crank the heat up and blower on high to release the heat that can cool down an engine some what untill you can get it to a safe place to look over.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Kroze said:
thanks for the post. my car is experiencing the problem you listed (overheating @ idle)

let me try finding out what's wrong with it.

check for any split hoses
check for any water leaks

what does that have to do with overheating @ idle?

As in if a hose pops off or breaks and all of your coolant becomes acqaiunted with the floor.... Therefore causing you to overheat?
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