Hey guys, I was thinking of switching to a super small battery (Genesis Compact), seeing as I only have a basic stereo system, and I don't run anything extra in my car, just the head/fog/taillights and interior gauges...
considering a stock battery is 40+ lbs, and a "tiny" one is 13lbs or so, it can make a nice little difference, combined with the CF hood I'm getting, especially in an N/A..
what I'm wondering is, would it be fine, to run one of these small batteries in a daily driver? Would my alternator charge it? Do they need external chargers? Are they really as powerful (even stronger) than stock?
Also "they don't do good in extreme heat or cold" doesn't bother me, I live in Los Angeles, where temps never dip past 50 and rarely go over 85...
Any input guys?
considering a stock battery is 40+ lbs, and a "tiny" one is 13lbs or so, it can make a nice little difference, combined with the CF hood I'm getting, especially in an N/A..
what I'm wondering is, would it be fine, to run one of these small batteries in a daily driver? Would my alternator charge it? Do they need external chargers? Are they really as powerful (even stronger) than stock?
Also "they don't do good in extreme heat or cold" doesn't bother me, I live in Los Angeles, where temps never dip past 50 and rarely go over 85...
Any input guys?